
Home » Birding Locations » Malheur County » Ontario Area

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Malheur Butte

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Malheur River

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Ontario State Recreation Site

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Snake River (Near Farewell Bend)

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Love Reservoir

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Ontario Sewer Ponds

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Nyssa is a community of about 3000 people, located 10 miles south of Ontario on Hwy 20/26/201. In the center of town, Hwys 20 and 26 peel off and head to Idaho while Hwy 201 continues south. Stay on 201 at this intersection. The Nyssa schools are near this junction. The elementary, middle, and high schools are all together here so there is a good chunk of public land to be explored. Do not wander around with binoculars during school hours. There are several large trees and open fields here that can attract migrants and resting birds. North Park is located on 5th Street on the north side of town while South Park is located on 6th Street on the south side of town. Both have large trees and open fields.


Habitat and Birds

With the river close at hand, plenty of waterfowl can be found here. City parks and large deciduous trees bring in the passerines, so a quick morning stroll through Nyssa can be productive. Look for ducks and geese along the waterways and Ring-necked Pheasant in the fields around town. Great Blue Herons and Black-crowned Night-Herons should be present along with occasional egrets. Cooper’s Hawks can be found around town and Prairie Falcons are just beyond the city limits. Keep an eye out for winter sparrows and Eurasian Collared-Doves. Rare birds here include 31 Marbled Godwits on a single day in 1980.
