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Cougar Reservoir

Lane County | Hwy 126 Cascades

This is a large reservoir with forest around it.  The reservoir can have water birds (loons, grebes, waterfowl, etc) on it during the non-breeding season.  The forests will have typical conifer forest species.

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Cove and Vicinity

Union County | Cove Area

Small towns like Cove can be attractive to migrants during spring and fall as well as winter birds who stop to feed on the ornamental trees in the town. White-winged Dove was found here in 2005 and again in 2008. Search the farmland around Cove fo...

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Cow Lakes

Malheur County | Hwy 95 Area

Deep lakes surrounded by sage and some grasslands. Some farmland on the way to the lakes. Waterfowl can be abundant and varied in spring and fall. Waders like American Avocet and Black-necked Stilt can be seen on the shorelines while ducks like Bu...

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Coyote Creek Wetlands

Josephine County | North County

Marshy riparian area surrounded by coniferous forest.  Birds of interest here are Hooded Merganser, Green Heron, Red-shouldered hawk, Belted Kingfisher, Black Phoebe, Wrentit, Marsh Wren, Cedar Waxwing, Yellow-breasted Chat, Common Yellowthroat, ...

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Crane Prairie Reservoir

Deschutes County | South Of Bend

Lake and high elevation forest. Cow Camp is an excellent access point where you can view the lake for ducks, shorebirds and Osprey. The wet grasslands hold breeding Sandhill Cranes. The surrounding forest has Pacific Wrens, Gray Jays and Ruffed Gr...

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Crooked Creek Wayside

Malheur County | Hwy 95 Area

All around it are hay fields. You should see a good variety of birds here. Crooked Creek is a short distance east of the spot. There should be White-faced Ibis there or in the area. They travel back and forth from the hay fields along the creek da...

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Crooked River Hwy 27

Crook County | South Of Prineville

The road runs through farmland, juniper forest, sage flats, and canyons.  In the farmland, watch for Western Meadowlark, Western Kingbird, plenty of raptors in the winter.  The canyon can produce Canyon Wren, Chukar, and Rock Wren. The riparian ...

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Cultus Lake

Deschutes County | South Of Bend

This high lake is under-birded and will likely yield typical high mountain species. Look for Sooty Grouse, Ruffed Grouse, American Three-toed Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Gray Jay, Steller’s Jay, Tree Swallow and Vaux’s Swift. Barr...

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Cutsforth County Park

Morrow County | South County

Tall pines, mixed forest, canyons and riparian areas. Look for mountain species like grouse, accipiters, Vaux’s Swift, Rufous and Calliope Hummingbirds. Woodpeckers include Hairy, Flicker, White-headed, Red-naped Sapsucker, Black-backed, Dow...

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Grant County | North County

Dale used to be the hummingbird capital of Grant County, but many of the residents have disappeared as have their feeders. Rufous, Black-chinned, Calliope and Broad-tailed have frequented this small community.

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Polk County | Baskett Slough Area

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was here in August 2000. A Brambling was found in December 1985 and another was in Monmouth in spring the of 2006. A very excellent place to bird in Polk County is the Dallas City Park and the

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Dalton Lake Trail (OBT)

Columbia County | St Helens Area

Expect woodland birds, migrants, and the lake can have ducks and grebes. There is a view of the river which can be scanned for all manner of river birds, loons, grebes, gulls and ducks in season. I’ve only been here once so I don’t have a good...

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Danner Loop Road

Malheur County | Hwy 95 Area

Habitat and Birds: This is an area with plenty of flooded farm fields. Look for Sandhill Cranes, waders like Black-necked Stilt and American Avocet, Willet, and curlew. Check the blackbirds for grackles and the farm trees for Northern Mockingbirds...

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Yamhill County | Mcminneville Area

Barn Owl has been recorded near Dayton as have Acorn and Pileated Woodpeckers. Others include Loggerhead Shrike, American Pipit, and Evening Grosbeak. Even a Black-and-White Warbler and Mountain Chickadee showed up once. The sewage ponds have prod...

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Dean Creek

Douglas County | Coastal Sites

Habitat and Birds: Habitat: river, wet fields. Birds: Bald Eagle, Red-shouldered Hawk, White-tailed Kite, Greater Scaup, other waterfowl, swallows,   For most tourists a large herd of Roosevelt elk are the main draw shorebirds, marsh birds. Best...

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Delta Ponds

Lane County | Eugene Area

This site has old gravel pits that were restored between 2004-2012. It is next to the Willamette River with walking, biking trails and boardwalks through the ponds.  It has a good mixture of waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds, and passerines thr...

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DeMoss Park

Sherman County | Moro Area

A collection of low brush and tall cottonwoods attract migrants and a few residents. Passerines include Bullock’s Oriole, several warblers, House Wren, vireos, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Hermit Thrush, Western Tanager, and several flycatchers. I...

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Detroit Lake

Linn County | Hwy 22 Cascade Area

This is a mid-elevation mountain lake dominated by conifers on the shorelines. There are some mixed deciduous trees around the lake itself. Occasionally, Clark’s Grebes can be found on this lake. Woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, and thru...

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Linn County | Albany/lebanon Area

This is a farmland area with plenty of fence-lines and a few wood lots. A few waterfowl and shorebirds can be around in flooded fields in this area. Raptors include Red-tailed Hawk, American Kestrel and even Burrowing Owl. American Pipits may be f...

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Devil’s Gulch

Wallowa County | Imnaha Area

A hike up Devil’s Gulch offers the possibility of finding Mountain Quail, Chukar, Canyon and Rock Wrens, Willow Flycatcher, Bullock’s Oriole, Ruffed Grouse, and other riparian species, as well as rattlesnakes and poison ivy.

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