Panther-Emile Loop SIDE TRIP #3 MOOSE MEADOWS (local name, not on any map
Home » Birding Locations » Douglas County » Cascade Mountains Area
From Roseburg take 138 East 43.5 miles to Forest Road (FR) 4714 (This is 27.5 miles east from the Little River Bridge in Glide). Turn right on 4714 (Panther Creek Road) at Apple Creek CG. There is a restroom at the North Umpqua Trail-Panther Trailhead just across the bridge
Follow the paved road 4714 all the way to the top, even though the road number changes to 330 at 6.0 miles. At 9.9 miles, turn right on FR 2703; where the pavement ends (Lookout Mountain Rd). This is the road you take all the way down to Little River Rd. if you don’t want to investigate any of the other side trips. At 1.2 miles on 2703, bear left to remain on 2703 at the 600 spur junction. You are now entering the huge area known as Willow Flats; which has interspersed forest and willow openings and a willow-lined riparian area. Emile Sump (primitive camp) is 0.3 miles from the 600 junction on 2703. Emile Shelter (primitive camp) at 0.9 miles from the 600 junction. The willow infested riparian area along Emile Creek parallels 2703 for about 1.7 miles
From the junction of 2703 and 4711, turn right on 4711. At the 750 and 4711 junction stay left on 4711. The meadows start 0.1 mile from the 750 junction and run for about 0.7 mile. There are many other roads that meander around Willow Flats but some aren’t very good. Fabulous roadside show of wildflowers. The 4711 rd. (very steep) will take you back to Hwy 138 at Wright Cr. if you so choose
Habitat and Birds
Elevation 4200-4500 feet
willow dominated wet meadow, old growth Douglas Fir, Shasta Red Fir, young growth
Douglas Fir stands
Lincoln’s Sparrow, Willow Flycatcher, Hermit Warbler, Fox Sparrow; Hermit, Swainson’s
and Varied thrush, Townsend’s Solitaire; Canada and Steller’s Jay
Nearby Birding Locations
- Thorn Prairie
- Lemolo Lake
- Rabbit Ears and Hershberger Mountain Access
- Tiller Ranger Station
- Diamond Lake and Sewage Ponds
- Stump Lake and Mowich Park (Driving Route)
- South Umpqua Falls
- Susan Creek Falls
- Panther-Emile Loop
- Carmen Lake
- Hemlock Lake
- Lost Creek at Highway Falls
- Big Camas Loop
- Panther-Emile Loop SIDE TRIP #4 GROTTO FALLS
- Illahee Flats
- Toketee Lake
- Toolbox Meadows
- Panther-Emile Loop APPLE FIRE SIDE LOOP