Powell Butte Nature Park

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From SE Powell Blvd, turn right (S) on 162nd Ave and drive 0.5 miles up a short steep road to a parking area.

Go to the Oregon Birding Trails Website. Choose the Willamette Valley Birding Trail. Click on the Trail Guide and choose the Portland Loop Guide. Section P-8.



Habitat and Birds

There is a large system of trails over this volcanic butte with dark forested flanks and a circular summit trail at the top with scrub/savannah habitat.  With these different habitats a good variety of birds can be found.  Some specialties include Western Kingbird, Western Bluebird, Mountain Bluebird and Say’s Phoebe in Spring.  11 different species of flycatcher, 10 species of warbler, and both Northern and Loggerhead Shrikes have been seen here, and Lazuli Buntings nest each year.
