Robinson Canyon – Pine Creek Conservation Area
Robinson Canyon is part of the Pine Creek Conservation Area managed by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. The canyon is on Hwy 218 and only a mile west of Pine Creek Road and about 10 miles from Fossil. This road is rough and probably requires a high clearance vehicle. It winds its way through juniper and rocky canyons. There is a gate on this road so please close the gate behind you. A sign-in is required.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
Listen for Rock and Canyon Wren. Mountain Quail are here along with Red-naped Sapsucker and Cedar Waxwing. Listen for Green-tailed Towhee and Ash-throated Flycatcher.
Nearby Birding Locations
- Winlock Road
- Shelton Wayside Park
- Service Creek
- Burnt Ranch Campground
- Spray (Town)
- Bear Hollow
- Umatilla National Forest
- Hancock Field Station
- Cottonwood Creek Road
- Butte Creek Road
- Hoover Creek Road/Hoover Creek Reservoir
- Rowe Creek Reservoir
- Kimberly Area
- Kahler Basin Road
- Pine Creek Conservation Area
- Muleshoe Recreation Area
- Butte Creek Summit
- Shady Grove Rest Area
- Twickenham Area
- Julia Henderson Pioneer Park
- Fossil Sewage Ponds - Farm Pond
- Fossil Sewage Ponds
- Rowe Creek Road
- Priest Hole
- Bear Hollow County Park
- Clarno Road
- Girds Creek Road
- John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - Clarno Unit
- Fossil (Town)
- Clarno BLM Boat Ramp