Ruh Red Road

Home » Birding Locations » Harney County » Burns Area Upper Refuge Area

Headquarters to Princeton via Narrows-Princeton Road (Raptor Alley)

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Find the turnoff to Ruh Red Road on Highway 205 here, 4.0 miles south of Wright’s Point or 7.0 miles north of The Narrows.


Habitat and Birds

Explore Ruh Red Road by driving east for 7.4 miles to where it crosses the Silvies River.

Birding productivity depends on water levels. In high water years, the marshy areas give a close view of many wetlands birds, however you may be limited as to how far you can drive as the east end of the road may be impassible due to high water.

In low water years, Sage Thrashers, sparrows, and Loggerhead Shrikes are common. Burrowing Owls have been found here with some regularity.
