Wright’s Point

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Wright’s Point is a unique geological feature that is hard to miss when traveling Highway 205 to Malheur NWR.

Half way between Burns and the Narrows, one crosses the large, narrow ridge of Wright’s Point, rising 250 feet above the flat Harney Basin floor. It is actually a “cast” of an ancient narrow river valley that was capped by a lava flow, which remained as the surrounding landscape weathered away.

To get to Wright’s Point from the north, take E Monroe Street (Hwy 78) out of Burns. Travel two miles and turn right on Oregon Highway 205. Head south on Hwy 205 for 10 miles to Wright’s Point. Look for a pulloff most of the way up the north slope among the rimrock.

If coming from the south, drive 12 miles north on Hwy 205 from The Narrows.


Habitat and Birds

On the way to Wright’s Point, stop and view the avifauna that carpets the landscape. There is a large stock pond near Island Ranch Road that often has Black Terns and waders along with ducks and geese.

On the north slope of Wright’s Point, look for a pull-off. Park here and investigate the foliage among the rimrock. During migration, warblers, vireos, and just about any other passerine can be found here. Sometimes Great Horned Owls hide in this thicket.

On the top of the point, look for a dirt road that leads to a gravel pit. This area is often good for sparrows and Rock Wren.

There are very good sage flats on the south side of the point and these can produce Sage Thrasher, Brewer’s Sparrow, and even an occasional Black-throated Sparrow.


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