South Beach State Park
Take Hwy 101 south out of Newport. Travel 2.6 miles south of the Newport Bridge and turn right (west) onto South Beach Park Road. Drive straight west a short distance to the parking area and access the beach. Walk north to the South Jetty of Yaquina Bay.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
In May, this is often the best shorebirding location in the area. It’s a fair shorebird spot in spring and fall. Snowy Plovers (Dec-Mar) are often found here along with mixed peep flocks that can include Least Sandpipers, Western Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Sanderlings and Dunlin. Also look for Whimbrel, Short-eared Owl and a good variety of gulls. Alcids are often seen offshore. Check the wooded areas for migrant and wintering passerines and expect Wrentits. Sea watches here can produce sea ducks, loons, grebes and the occasional shearwater. Rarities include Snowy Owl, Mountain Plover, and Pacific Golden-plover.
Nearby Birding Locations
- Yaquina Bay Road
- Port of Newport/Public Fishing Pier
- South Jetty Yaquina Bay
- Northwest 68th Street Scoter Spot
- OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center Nature Trail
- Depot Slough Interpretive Trail
- Oregon Coast Aquarium
- Mike Miller Educational Trail
- Sally's Bend
- Toledo Public Boat Launch
- Perpetua Bank/Pelagic Site - 35 Miles Offshore, - Boat Trip
- Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area
- Yaquina Bay State Park
- Yaquina Bay (Idaho Point)