South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve

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Go to the Oregon Birding Trails Website. Choose the Oregon Coast Birding Trail. Click on the South Coast tab and go to section 111. On Cape Arago Highway (540)  just over the bridge in Charleston,  turn L onto Seven Devils Rd.  Travel 4 miles, there will be a sign for the South Slough Estuarine on your left.

South Slough Website


Habitat and Birds


Walking through the woodlands you may find woodpeckers, wrens, Wrentit, Bandtailed Pigeon, Mourning Dove, Spotted Towhee, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Song Sparrow, Violet-green Swallow, Rufous Hummingbird, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Red Crossbill, Varied Thrush, and Sharp-shinned Hawk. Take the boardwalk near the water to see Greater Yellowlegs, Great Egret, Bufflehead, Double-crested Cormorant, Osprey, possible White-tailed Kite, and Bald Eagle.  A Hooded Warbler was found here in 1991.
