St. Helens Waste Treatment Plant

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Columbia City Waterfront

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Knob Hill Park

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Scappoose Bay Marine Park Nature Trail

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Dalton Lake Trail (OBT)

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Columbia Botanical Gardens

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Scappoose Bay Marina

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St. Helens McCormick Park

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Dyno Nobel Dike Road

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Grey Cliffs Waterfront Park

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In St Helens turn west on to Columbia Blvd off of Hwy 30 and go 1.3 miles to St. Helens St (Old Portland Rd), turn right and go 0.4 miles to 7th St., turn left and follow 7th for 0.25 miles, past the Armory to Plymouth St. Then turn left down to the St. Helens WTP and Knob Hill Park.


Habitat and Birds

The main attraction is the water works ponds for ducks and gulls in winter. Mew Gulls can number in the 100’s in winter. The edges of the impounded water can have an irregular shore bird in the rip rap… Rarities include Heerman’s Gull and Surf Scoter.
