Tiller Ranger Station
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Umpqua NF, Tiller RD. From Canyonville at I-5, take exit 98; go east until you hit Main St; go L on Main St until you hit State Hwy 227 which is the same as County Road 1. Go R and continue 23.4 mi. to Tiller; Hwy 227 crosses S Umpqua River and ranger station is just across bridge.
Many Forest Service roads in the area for exploring
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
Mature big-leaf maple riparian habitat where Elk Creek meets S Umpqua River, surrounded by Douglas-fir forest;
river hosts Common Merganser, Spotted Sandpiper, Osprey, and American Dipper; rich diversity of nesting songbirds, including Bushtit, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Western Wood-pewee, Pacific Wren, Black-headed Grosbeak, Western Tanager, White-breasted and Red-breasted Nuthatch, Hermit Warbler, Purple Finch, and Yellow-breasted Chat; Green Heron has nested near the site.
Nearby Birding Locations
- Hemlock Lake
- Rabbit Ears and Hershberger Mountain Access
- Carmen Lake
- Thorn Prairie
- Panther-Emile Loop
- Lost Creek at Highway Falls
- Susan Creek Falls
- Toolbox Meadows
- Panther-Emile Loop APPLE FIRE SIDE LOOP
- Illahee Flats
- Big Camas Loop
- Panther-Emile Loop SIDE TRIP #4 GROTTO FALLS
- Stump Lake and Mowich Park (Driving Route)
- Diamond Lake and Sewage Ponds
- Panther-Emile Loop SIDE TRIP #3 MOOSE MEADOWS (local name, not on any map
- Lemolo Lake
- Toketee Lake
- South Umpqua Falls