Twickenham Area
From Mitchell, take 207 north for 9.2 miles and turn left (NW) on Girds Creek Road. Take this road for 8 miles to the Twickenham Area. If coming from Fossil, take Rowe Creek Rd. just north of Shelton State Wayside and it will take you to Twickenham. The area has farming, meadows and riparian areas along the John Day River.
DirectionsHabitat and Birds
Birds seen in this area include Cinnamon Teal, Ring-necked Pheasant, Great-blue Heron, American Kestrel, Common Poorwill, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Willow Flycatcher, Bewick’s Wren, Northern Mockingbird, Yellow Warbler, Black-headed Grosbeak, and Brown-headed Cowbird. Keep an eye out for Tricolored Blackbirds in this area.
Nearby Birding Locations
- Butte Creek Road
- Fossil Sewage Ponds
- Bear Hollow County Park
- Hoover Creek Road/Hoover Creek Reservoir
- Cottonwood Creek Road
- Burnt Ranch Campground
- Clarno Road
- Kahler Basin Road
- Muleshoe Recreation Area
- John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - Clarno Unit
- Spray (Town)
- Girds Creek Road
- Julia Henderson Pioneer Park
- Shelton Wayside Park
- Fossil (Town)
- Rowe Creek Road
- Priest Hole
- Fossil Sewage Ponds - Farm Pond
- Umatilla National Forest
- Robinson Canyon - Pine Creek Conservation Area
- Hancock Field Station
- Butte Creek Summit
- Service Creek
- Clarno BLM Boat Ramp
- Winlock Road
- Pine Creek Conservation Area
- Rowe Creek Reservoir
- Kimberly Area
- Shady Grove Rest Area
- Bear Hollow