Upper Nestucca/Moon Creek

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Upper Nestucca/Moon Creek (45.290452, -123.702630) is an area of mixed private and Siuslaw National Forest lands about 22 miles south of Tillamook.

To reach the site from the junction of Highway 101 and Blaine Rd in Beaver, turn left (East) onto Blaine Rd. and travel 6.6 miles to the “town” of Blaine. Turn left (north) on Moon Creek Rd., travel 1.0 mile to Road 3-8-20 (gravel surface) on the right.

Upper Nestucca/Moon Creek – Oregon Birding Trail: Choose the Oregon Coast Birding Trail, click on the North Coast tab and go to section 39


Habitat and Birds

The area Moon Creek and the lower 0.25 mile of Road 3-8-20 is a mix of open pastureland, riparian, and forest edge habitats. This area is far enough inland that habitat and birds differ slightly from the immediate coast. Walk the Moon Creek Rd. north and south and the lower reaches of Road 3-8-20 to cover this area. Western Wood-pewee, Willow Flycatcher, Rufous Hummingbird (nesting), and House Wren are regular. Western Bluebird, Common Nighthawk, Mountain Quail, Lazuli Bunting, and Yellow-breasted Chat have been seen here. This area can also be good winter sparrow habitat.

Road 3-8-20 is a gravel forest access road. It climbs up into the coast range through conifer forest and riparian habitats. The 3.5-mile-long road ends at about 1250 ft. elevation. At the road’s end (just past the gravel pit turnaround on the left), park and walk the short trail (over a few dirt roadblocks) onto another road that can be walked and birded for miles. This road has no motorized vehicle access. The roads in this area are in reasonable shape but sometimes do have obstacles. Other roads in the area are worth exploring. Be prepared for back country vehicle travel and possible logging traffic. Ruffed Grouse, Mountain Quail, Spotted Owl (historic), Northern Saw-whet Owl, and Northern Pygmy-owl have been identified in this area.

The forest and riparian habitats along the Upper Nestucca River corridor and camping areas upstream from Blaine are also good birding. Spotted Sandpipers and American Dipper have been seen along the Nestucca River around the town of Blaine.

eBird Checklist:

eBird Hotspot checklist for Upper Nestucca–Moon Creek Area (Road 3-8-20)


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