Wednesday Birders
June 21 - Deschutes River Trail, Lava Island. Some of you have already been there this season and can direct others to spots for highlights. Gray Catbird is the celebrity […]
June 21 - Deschutes River Trail, Lava Island. Some of you have already been there this season and can direct others to spots for highlights. Gray Catbird is the celebrity […]
June 28 - Prairie Farm etc. on Green Ridge. Walking along the creek below the dam can be a great spot for thrushes and warblers, i.e., Nashville, etc. Try going […]
July 5 - Santiam Pass, PCT for Northern 3-toed, and Lost Lake
July 12 - Todd Lake, Sparks Lake. Arrive early to find parking. Walk the trails around the lakes for finches, chickadees, RS Hawks and waterfowl. Walk 2 to 3 miles.
July 19 - Warm Springs. Boat ramp area, trail near sewage treatment area and then Museum trail. Consider supporting the museum by visiting exhibits.
July 26 - p.m. birding Millican area. Finish after dusk with Poorwill. Time TBD
August 2 - Tumalo Res and Hatfield.
August 9 - Haystack for shorebirds, waterfowl. Springs and and Gray Butte if mid-day temp permits.
August 16- Lower Bridge, Redmond Sewer Ponds. Willows at Lower Bridge and Lynx could be stuffed with migrants.
Aug 23 - Cascade High Lakes. Begin with willows along "kiosk ponds" at Wickiup and loop around to North, Wickiup Butte, etc. Passerines and shorebirds are on the move.
August 30 - shorebirds. Hotspots TBD
September 6 - Hatfield, Houston Lakes and CRWC
Sept 13 - Wickiup, Crane Prairie, Sheep Bridge, etc
Sept 20 - Smith Rocks trails (state park pass in each vehicle), ag fields to the east, Redmond ponds
Join us for Birders' Night with a presentation of "A History of Oregon Ornithology: From Territorial Days to the Rise of Birding" by Alan L. Contreras.
ECBA and the Deschutes Land Trust invite you to join us for a morning of (mostly) quiet shared enjoyment of our local birds. This is a free event, but limited to ten people. You are welcome to register for one or more of the three sessions. (You will need to click on each link and RSVP […]
ECBA and the Deschutes Land Trust invite you to join us for a morning of (mostly) quiet shared enjoyment of our local birds. This is a free event, but limited to ten people. You are welcome to register for one or more of the three sessions. (You will need to click on each link and RSVP […]
Photo credit: Jim Moodie - Pygmy Nuthatches. Our Annual Event will be on Sunday, October 8th at 4pm at Worthy Brewing. ECBA is hoping that you will join us for this special event to socialize with fellow birders, enjoy some tacos and beverages, and learn more about birds from Harry Fuller and Chuck Gates. […]