Golden Eagle Camera on Whychus Creek Sisters

You can comment on this page. This page is working as a single blog post with continuing comments and replies as we have done in the past. The old comment thread with past years’ comments is no longer accessible here.  This comment thread has been active since February, 2023.

Please help support the Golden Eagle camera! To make a donation towards the substantial cost of getting these images on the internet, please go to the East Cascades Bird Alliance donation page, and select the Golden Eagle Cam as the payment destination.

Thanks to the Deschutes Land Trust on whose Aspen Hollow Preserve the nest is located.  The cooperation of the DLT was instrumental in successfully rescuing and re-nesting one of 2019’s eaglets, Whychus, and their continued support for this nest cam project is gratefully acknowledged.

A special thanks to Yellowknife Wireless ( for their support of this project.  They have generously allotted ECBA a bonus deal that gives us excellent service for a reduced price.  If you need or know someone who needs internet service in the Central Oregon area, pass on our recommendation that this is a good company to work with.

For those not familiar with the ivideon features: you can click in the blue bar below the image to go to the time shown where you click and review the recorded video. For folks posting times of activities, the time on the time line or the time in the date and location heading are now synchronized so either can be used.  You can zoom in on the time line with the + and – buttons to the lower right of the image. You can click on the date bar on the lower left of the image to go to another day. When looking at a recording, you can click on “live” to get back to the live image. Sometimes we will pull video clips and post them on youtube but with 10 days of recording it won’t be necessary to do that as often as in the past.  You can start view video by clicking in the center of the image of anywhere on the blue timeline.



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    1. Welcome to the forum and webpage. Did you put your email into the text of your comment or just put it in the space for email address below where you put your name? The reason I ask, is that the email address put in that space would not be shared in the comment list.

  1. The camera video is not making its way from the camera, which seems to be working fine, to ivideon and therefore not to this webpage. I don’t know the reason for this.

  2. The camera is working but not being seen by Ivideon so it doesn’t show up here. I’ll have to troubleshoot this later today.

    1. Hi Jim Video has been okay for me. Video frame appears near the top of the page but when I open page I’m way down at the bottom. It usually takes a few seconds for the video frame to appear on the screen.

  3. Just doing my regular morning check in on the nest.
    When I open this site with Chrome browser it opens clear at the bottom of the comments. Anyone else seeing this?
    Also looks like there are couple of spam comments below?

    1. Rodroc, I use Chrome but for me the page opens at the top above Jim’s introduction not at the bottom of the page below the comments.

  4. Hi all–i believe the copy/paste functions should now work. They did for me, but please test yourselves and let me know what you find out. Thanks!

    1. Correction, you can’t copy from this site because you can’t ‘select’ but you CAN paste (I’m pretty sure)

      1. I just pasted a link to the video of Petra laying an egg. It seemed to work. I had to refresh this page for it to work.

        1. Awesome! It does work, which should help enhance the comments experience. And it makes sense that you would need to refresh, as I just recently made the change and so the server would need an update to show it.

  5. I downloaded a video of Petra laying the egg. I can’t post a link but if you look at my YouTube channel, it’s the most recent video posted. Look around on that channel for lots of eagle nesting videos and other stuff. @JamesHammondBigJim

  6. Petra has been on the nest a lot today. She first arrived this morning at 7:29 and left at 12:02. Rocky visited at 7:50:45, 8:19:25, and 12:02. Then, Petra returned at 3:08 and she is still there now at 4:47, standing still and in a rather rigid position. If this is the prelude to laying the first egg of the season it will be the earliest first egg Petra has laid!

    1. mh, even if we don’t see Petra lay it we will know the first egg is there when she spends the night on the nest.

  7. Thanks, Shannon, for moving the video down on the page. Eagle on the nest at about 4 pm. I don’t know why the timeline is not showing up but it seems as though you can still go back and view the recorded video. Moving on the timeline seems to be slow, however.

  8. I was just about to go out to the camera when I checked this page. Somebody or something cleared the view at about 2:12, less than 10 minutes before I looked at it. Thanks to whatever powers did it. Saved me a trip in the mud and snow.

    1. It’s not clear (so to speak), what the problem is and I will need to go there to check it out. Not sure when I will do that.

    1. Interesting dark blob in the image. The snow here at home, about 5 miles away from the nest does look like it would degrade the image that much. Maybe there’s some snow in front of the lens.

      1. can’t seem to edit the post. I meant that the snow here does not look like it should degrade the image that much.

        1. Either we’re going to have to carefully proof everything before posting, or we’re all gonna reply to ourselves a lot. I usually have to correct whatever I just posted.

    1. Oh… so you are both ‘mh’ and ‘Marsha’? I think I understand.
      It’s fine, we’re all having to get used to the new format/functionality (or lack thereof), and it seems there’s a learning curve.
      I like your emoji, though.

  9. Hi all,

    I’m sorry that the cut/copy/paste shortcuts won’t work here, but this is an intentional site wide setting, meant to prevent the unauthorized use of ECBA’s images without the organization’s permission.

    Again, sorry for the inconvenience!

    1. What would keep people from just screen grabbing images from the ecbirds website? Posting links to videos is not really necessary because simply referring to a time and date for some activity will let people go to the timeline and watch whatever activity is being discussed. On the other hand, our viewers are accustomed to being able to go to youtube videos posted by Marcia or me (maybe some others, too) when some notable activity has occurred. We are all going to have to get used to some changes.

      1. Hi Jim, I agree, bad actors can still ‘steal’ images. The decision to disable right click/ copy/paste etc.. was made before my time. I actually disabled it when I came on board, but was quickly asked to re-activate it. One solution might be to find a way to enable copy/paste on this page only…I’ll see what I can do!

        1. Hi, Shannon. Long-time user (of the ‘old’ GE site) here.
          I understand that change is not always comfortable. I get that the ECAS/ECBIRDS organization(s) have their interests to protect.
          I just feel that participation in this forum will suffer from the rigid guardrails being put in place.
          This nest has enjoyed a lively, vibrant community during the 7 (8?) years I’ve been participating. I’d hate to lose that.
          I agree with Jim on this: “What would keep people from just screen grabbing images from the ecbirds website?” I also wonder who is harmed when this happens?
          We have become accustomed to being able to paste a screen grab to share significant moments with others… such as when an eagle lays an egg, or other special moment.
          As well, identifying a date/time of an event is useful as long as it is not outside the limits of the recording.
          I acknowledge that I’m not having to deal with the mess of website/webpage management, and I understand it can be effortful. I also agree that security has its place.
          I’m hoping we can find a happy medium.

          Thank you for taking the time to read and consider what I’ve written.

    2. Shannon, I suggest that you move the video to just above the discussion board. Also, we need to revise the text (then) above the video to more accurately reflect the status of this webpage. The only changes I think need to be made are are in the last paragraph.

  10. Hi all– I’m Shannon, the website administrator. I’ve made a change today that makes entering a name and email before commenting mandatory. This is in response to some spam we saw yesterday. If you have any questions about this new commenting system you can send them to the ecba email address (you can use the contact form) and I’ll try to help!


    1. Trying it now… I’m in theory already logged in. Also, I have NOT received any emails about new posts, so I need to find a setting to change.

      1. Hi mh! You no longer need to ‘log in’ to comment on this page (we were being spammed into oblivion!), you just need to enter your name and email and (theoretically) if you click the ‘save’ checkbox, the system should save that for next time (as long as you continue to use the same browser).

        Also this commenting platform will not email you when comments are made.

        Hope this helps!


  11. Hi Kayess. Yes, not sure how we could post a link to a video without the copy/paste function.

    Petra and Rocky on the nest together 8:41:57 – 8:44:12.

        1. 😉 😀 😀 😉
          (missing the emojis)
          Thanks, Marcia. I kinda thought “Anonymous” was you!
          So much for anonymity… ;^)

          1. Okay, this is interesting.
            In my reply to Marcia above, I used a row of 4 basic ASCI emoticons, and they have been converted to full-color emojis.

  12. Hi, MH, regarding your question on the ‘old’ site about inserting emojis… I cannot seem to do it either.
    Also, there is no copy/paste function, and no edit or delete function that I can see. So once you submit a comment, it’s there for all to see, forever! =:-O

  13. Thanks, Jim, The camera feed and comments seem to be working well.
    Really appreciate all your efforts to keep us connected!

  14. Jim, thank you so much for all of your efforts in bringing these remarkable creatures into our lives.

    1. Seems like mine is working OK too – I’m hesitant to remove the “old link” from my desktop just yet, tho – – don’t want to lose all previous comments! Sounds like Jim recommends opening the “old comment page” to see past comments and pictures. Thanks, Jim!!

      1. Unless someone figures out how to access Disqus comments some other way, as far as I know, they will go away when I disconnect the old website from the domain. That will happen in less than a week.

  15. We will very soon be changing to this webpage as the only place to view and comment on the golden eagle camera.

  16. I might actually have both camera and comments viewable simultaneously. My phone is not kind to the picture, so guess what I’ll have open on my work computer all day

    1. Hi. This will soon be the offical page for the eagle cam but for the next few weeks we are still over at the old page.
      Be sure you are set to Newest Comments First.

  17. I seem to be able to login and post a comment. A couple of other folks are having trouble getting logged in and/or setting up the account.

    1. Hi Leslie,
      So great that this worked for you! I just found a fix to the ‘reply to threads’ not working, and it looks like it worked too–hooray!

        1. Sort of a problem that may go away when you have integrated this with the main website. Going to one of the other pages works but clicking on “Home” takes one back to the current ECBA website from which, at least for now, one can’t get back to this “prelim” webpage.

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