Champoeg State Heritage Area
Marion County | North Of Salem
The ecologically rich landscape is home to more than 150 bird species, including seasonally nesting western bluebirds and acorn woodpeckers.
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Marion County | North Of Salem
The ecologically rich landscape is home to more than 150 bird species, including seasonally nesting western bluebirds and acorn woodpeckers.
...Marion County | North Of Salem
Woodlands, brushy areas and open fields support a wide variety of bird life, including waterfowl on the river, and raptors and passerines in the wooded and open areas. Over 130 species have been recorded at the park.
...Marion County | North Of Salem
Wooded areas, lawns and gardens attract many birds, including Western Wood-Pewee, Swainson’s Thrush, Bullock’s Oriole, warblers, vireos, bluebirds, woodpeckers, kinglets, chickadees and nuthatches. Raptors may be spotted soaring over t...
Marion County | North Of Salem
Like most other Willamette Valley sewage ponds, the normal fare includes waterfowl, shorebirds, and gulls.
...Marion County | North Of Salem
Each pond is roughly 10 acres, typical quarry ponds with open water and trees and shrubs around the edges. Waterfowl is the primary attraction.
...Marion County | North Of Salem
Small ponds which attract waterfowl, mostly in winter. Raptors and songbirds can also be found.
...Marion County | North Of Salem
In fall and winter the lake attracts large numbers of waterfowl and gulls, including many rarities. Over 120 species have been reported.
...Marion County | North Of Salem
While most of the site consists of manicured gardens, there are also significant areas of oak and conifer woodlands, grassy and brushy areas, and marshy areas with a series of small ponds. More than 125 species of birds have been found here, inclu...
Marion County | North Of Salem
This is a deep-water pond in winter/spring/early summer and a mudflat/shallow pond in late summer/fall, with open fields and wooded areas nearby. Waterfowl (winter, spring) and shorebirds (summer) are the main attractions.
...Marion County | North Of Salem
Open, grassy fields and wooded areas along the Willamette River host warblers, vireos, bluebirds, woodpeckers, kinglets, chickadees and nuthatches. Waterfowl, raptors, Belted Kingfisher and others can be found around Mission Lake and along the riv...