Field Trip Schedule & Registration 2024

Registration for all events will open on April 2nd, 2024 at 8:00 am PST. You may register up to two people per trip or activity.

The 2024 Dean Hale Woodpecker Festival will take place from May 30th to June 2nd.

Many of the festival field trips take place in the Sisters area, but the festival is now offering a number of other field trips throughout the Central Oregon region.

Descriptions of the 2024 festival field trips can be found below. Please note that field trips vary from year to year based on trip leader availability and habitat conditions. We do our best to run our field trips as described below. However, we may need to modify and cancel field trips for a variety of reasons (i.e. weather, fire, smoke, permitting, safety, closures, etc.). Modifications to trips may include their location, guides, time and other aspects of the trip. In the unlikely event that changes need to be made to your trip, we will notify you via the email and/or text number provided to us during registration. Note that start times are strict, so please try to arrive early to the meeting place. End times are approximate. Some trips may end before the stated time. For trips that might be going long, your guides will try to advise the group about timing.

We are offering our field trips for free for the 2024 Festival. There will be fees for the photography workshops and the Festival Banquet Dinner. We hope to see you all at the Festival Banquet Dinner to hear Paul Bannick’s keynote presentation and to celebrate the conclusion of another great festival.

Many of our trips involve traversing rough or uneven terrain. And trips often involve traveling to remote areas far from medical facilities and sometimes out of cell service. For more information about what you can expect on a festival field trips click here.


R1. Summer Lake Overnight Trip

Wednesday May 29th and Thursday May 30th.

Meeting place and time: Summer Lake Lodge at 53460 OR-31, Summer Lake, OR 97640. Please meet your guides at the Summer Lake Lodge on Wednesday evening. Reservations have been made at the Lodge’s restaurant—the Flyway Restaurant at 6:00pm. Dinner is on your own. After dinner, the group will do some night birding looking for owls and rails. On Thursday morning, the group will meet at 7am at the Lodge to tour the Summer Lake area with a goal of finishing up no later than 3:00pm to allow for travel time back to Sisters. We have reserved some rooms at the lodge, but likely not enough for 10 people. We will open those reservations to people who sign up for the trip in order, and you will be responsible for contacting the lodge to put the reservation in your id. As a result, some people who register for this trip will need to arrange for alternative accommodations, such as camping at Summer Lake or other nearby camping/RV facilities.

Capacity: 10

This is a fantastic day out with some great scenery, but it is not a woodpecker rich environment. Summer Lake is a wildlife area that is rich with birds, including egrets, night-herons, bitterns, rails, waterfowl, curlews, avocets, stilts and other shorebirds. The terrain is generally level with packed dirt and gravel paths. The evening offers a chance for owls and rails.

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R2. Summer Lake Day Trip

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides at Wickiup Junction Park and Ride, Burgess Road, La Pine by 6:30 am.

Duration: 6:30am to 6pm.

Capacity: 10

This is a full day out with some beautiful scenery and will typically log 100 species for the outing. We will visit various habitats in the Great Basin area such as Cabin Lake, Fort Rock and Summer Lake WMA. Potential species in the Ft. Rock area are Sagebrush, Brewers, Vesper Sparrows as well as White-throated Swift, Say’s Phoebe, Sage Thrasher, Logger-head Shrike, Canyon and Rock Wren. At Cabin Lake we could see Clark’s Nutcracker, Pinyon Jay, White-headed Woodpecker, Western and Mountain Bluebirds, Cassin’s Finch and forest edge species visiting the water holes. In the overall basin area we will see Golden Eagle, Prairie Falcon, Ferruginous Hawk, and Swainson Hawk. The Summer Lake area will host marsh and shore birds. Ducks, Herons, Bitterns, Rails and Terns (Black Tern possible), waders and such are found in this extensive area. We will also venture into the hills to the west of Summer Lake to see Bluebirds, Lewis’s Woodpecker and Green-tailed Towhee.

This is not a Woodpecker centric trip but instead will focus on the great variety of bird life found in the High Desert region. Be prepared for a full day trip, bring plenty of food and water! The terrain is generally level with packed dirt and gravel paths.

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R3. The Ochocos and surrounding areas

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 6:30am at the Powell Butte school, 13650 OR-126, Powell Butte, OR 97753, about halfway between Prineville and Redmond on Hwy 126.

Duration: 6:30am to 3:00pm.

Number of people: 10 people.

Description: This is a fast-paced tour where we will be visiting many different habitats and locations. Most of the birding will be done close to vehicles. In Powell Butte, we have a chance for Rails and Bittern, and possibly basin species such as Gray Flycatcher, Ash-throated Flycatcher and several sparrow species. Stopping in Prineville we will visit a Tri-colored Blackbird colony and view breeding Clark’s and Western Grebes. Other possible birds include Ferruginous and Swainson’s Hawks and Prairie Falcon. Heading up into the forest we will look for Sapsuckers, Pileated Woodpecker and White-headed Woodpecker. There are a lot of other species here, too, including flycatchers, Dusky Grouse, Lazuli Bunting, MacGillivray’s warbler and possibly Sandhill Cranes. The trip will also include about a mile walk in the amazing Crooked River Wetlands.

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R4. Smith Rock

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides at Smith Rock State Park at the Visitor Center Yurt by 8:00am. Note that there is a $5.00 parking fee or display of a state park pass required at Smith Rock.

Duration: 8am to 1pm.

Capacity: 10

Get an inside view of the rich natural and cultural history of one of Oregon’s 7 Wonders with the park’s former interpretive naturalist. Known as the Animal Village to the Northern Paiute and the birthplace of modern sport climbing, Smith Rock remains a mecca for wildlife. In addition to viewing nesting Peregrines, Bald and Golden Eagles we will explore the explosive events that created the park’s dramatic geology and traditional uses of native plants. This trip will involve hiking on level, barrier free trails along the canyon rim for approximately 2 miles.

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R5. Browns Mountain and Wake Butte Woodpecker Adventure

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides at the Brown’s Mountain Boat Ramp by 7:30am. NF-4285, Bend, OR 97701.

Duration: 7:30am to 3:00pm.

Capacity: 10

While the Sisters area may be considered the epicenter of Central Oregon’s woodpeckers, southern Deschutes County can hold its own with a wide variety of woodpeckers calling the area home. The trip will involve stops at Browns Mountain and Wake Butte with hiking along rugged paths with elevation gain. The trip will include several sit spots to listen and look for Pileated, Black-backed, and White-headed woodpeckers, as well as other woodpeckers and sapsuckers. After several hours of quiet birding at the base of Browns Mountain, we will drive to the Wake Butte parking area and hike from there to several sit spots in the same way. Depending on road and weather conditions, may take Upper Deschutes Road (FS 4040) from Browns Mountain area to Wake Butte with several sit spots on the way. Please note that the route will not include a number of sensitive areas with known nesting sites. The participants will drive their own vehicles and those vehicles need to be capable of navigating rough terrain (i.e AWD/4WD and high clearance). A Forest Service Pass is required to park. Your guides will be in contact prior to the trip to help coordinate carpooling and forest pass requirements. Participants should be able to hike at least three miles at a time and to sit still for at least fifteen minutes on either the ground or on something they bring in their pack. Participants should be comfortable with a trip that may lack any restroom facilities (we are not certain what facilities may be available at the time that the trip runs). We recommend that people use the facilities at North Twin Lake on their way to trip starting point.

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Friday May 31st


F1. Trout Creek Butte Loop 1 (5/31)

*note: there  are two Trout Creek Butte Loop trips on Friday and Saturday. Please make note of the one you register for!

Meeting place and time. Meet your guides by 6:30am at the Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 6:30am – 3:00pm.

Capacity: 10

This trip will likely include the area around Trout Creek Swamp up to the Scott Pass Trailhead which has good Pileated territory and in recent years American Three-toed Woodpeckers have nested here. Many other birds are found in the surrounding brush such as Lazuli Bunting, flycatchers, Hermit and Townsend’s warblers, Green-tailed Towhee, and Townsend’s Solitaire. The habitat is quite varied with burn, scrub, and denser forest. We will also visit Cold Springs Campground which is good for the sapsuckers and White-headed Woodpeckers. The terrain includes bumpy trails, uneven ground and modest inclines. The exact itinerary may change depending on recent sightings in the area.

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F2. Trout Creek Butte Loop 2 (5/31)

*note: there  are two Trout Creek Butte Loop trips on Friday and Saturday. Please make note of the one you register for!

Meeting place and time. Meet your guides by 6:30am at the Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 6:30am – 3:00pm.

Capacity: 10

This trip will likely include the area around Trout Creek Swamp up to the Scott Pass Trailhead which has good Pileated territory and in recent years American Three-toed Woodpeckers have nested here. Many other birds are found in the surrounding brush such as Lazuli Bunting, flycatchers, Hermit and Townsend’s warblers, Green-tailed Towhee, and Townsend’s Solitaire. The habitat is quite varied with burn, scrub, and denser forest. We will also visit Cold Springs Campground which is good for the sapsuckers and White-headed Woodpeckers. The terrain includes bumpy trails, uneven ground and modest inclines. The exact itinerary may change depending on recent sightings in the area.

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F3. Calliope Crossing/Indian Ford/Black Butte Swamp

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 7:00am to 2:00pm.

Capacity: 10

You are going to enjoy your visit to this Deschutes County birding hotspot! Dense riparian habitat surrounded by ponderosa pine forest supports all three Sapsuckers, Pacific Slope and Gray Flycatchers, Cassin’s Vireo, Western Wood-pewee, House Wren, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Cassin’s Finch and Calliope Hummingbird. Among uncommon birds in the area are Wild Turkey and Northern Pygmy-Owl. Trails walked will be typically level, with some uneven ground. This trip will also involve a trip to Indian Ford, the Black Butte Swamp, or other nearby areas, if time permits.

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F4. Shevlin Park/Awbrey Hall Burn

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:30am at the Aspen Hall Parking lot of Shevlin Park. 18920 NW Shevlin Park Rd., Bend, OR 97701.

Duration: 7:30am to 3:30pm.

Capacity: 10

We go to Shevlin Park for the spectacle of many Lewis’s Woodpeckers and sapsuckers, then to the old Awbrey Hall Burn to view our resident birds of the big Ponderosa pines, with a chance for Pileated Woodpecker and Black-backed Woodpecker. Both areas are rich in migrants so we will also see songbirds of the riparian areas and pine forest including empids and Calliope Hummingbirds. Expect to walk about 3.5 miles [slowly] on forest trails with slopes and rough spots throughout the course of the day. These trails also go through areas likely to have ticks.

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F5. Suttle Lake

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 7:00am to 3:00pm.

Capacity: 6

This is a small group trip and will involve a four-mile hike around Suttle Lake. We will scope the lake from both ends in search of birds on the water. Species here might include Barrow’s Goldeneye, Bald Eagle, Mountain Chickadee, White-headed Woodpecker, American Dipper, Warbling Vireo, Pygmy Nuthatch, Fox Sparrow, and Townsend’s Warbler. Time permitting, we may drive up to Scout Lake.

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F6. The Ochocos and surrounding areas

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 6:30am at the Powell Butte school, 13650 OR-126, Powell Butte, OR 97753, about halfway between Prineville and Redmond on Hwy 126.

Duration: 6:30am to 3:00pm;

Capacity: 10 people.

Description: This is a fast-paced tour where we will be visiting many different habitats and locations. Most of the birding will be done close to vehicles. In Powell Butte, we have a chance for Rails and Bittern, and possibly basin species such as Gray Flycatcher, Ash-throated Flycatcher and several sparrow species. Stopping in Prineville we will visit a Tri-colored Blackbird colony and view breeding Clark’s and Western Grebes. Other possible birds include Ferruginous and Swainson’s Hawks and Prairie Falcon. Heading up into the forest we will look for Sapsuckers, Pileated Woodpecker and White-headed Woodpecker. There are a lot of other species here, too, including flycatchers, Dusky Grouse, Lazuli Bunting, MacGillivray’s warbler and possibly Sandhill Cranes. The trip will also include about a mile walk in the amazing Crooked River Wetlands.

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F7. Smith Rock

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 8:00am at Smith Rock State Park at the Visitor Center. Note that there is a $5.00 parking fee or display of a state park pass required at Smith Rock.

Duration: 8am to 3pm.

Capacity: 10

Get an inside view of the rich natural and cultural history of one of Oregon’s 7 Wonders with the park’s former interpretive naturalist. Known as the Animal Village to the Northern Paiute and the birthplace of modern sport climbing, Smith Rock remains a mecca for wildlife. In addition to viewing nesting Peregrines, Bald and Golden Eagles we will explore the explosive events that created the park’s dramatic geology and traditional uses of native plants. This trip will involve hiking on moderately steep trails into and out of the canyon for approximately 3.5 miles

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F8. Sunriver Nature Trails

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides at Sunriver Nature Center parking lot, 57245 River Rd, Sunriver by 7:30am.

Duration: 7:30am to 1:00pm.

Capacity: 10

The Sunriver Resort area is one of the top birding locations in Deschutes County. Located in both open and Ponderosa Pine habitat. We will explore the marsh abutting the Sunriver Nature Center where we can see Wilson’s Snipe and hear Sora and Virginia Rail. The forest habitat we will look for Vireos, Flycatchers, Nuthatches, Red Crossbills and various Warbler species. A good portion of this trip is along the Deschutes River which is home to numerous water and water-edge species. This trip also has the potential to sight some owls which inhabit the surrounding areas.

We will walk about 4-6 miles on paved, uneven mulch, and rough gravel paths, and along a road for a few stretches. We will leave paths frequently when looking for birds. Bring water and snacks for this outing.

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F9. Hike and Bird Delintment Lake (Harney County)

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 8:00am at the Sinclair Gas Station, 740 US-20, Hines, OR 97738. This is a good location to fuel up for the drive and to leave vehicles for carpooling.

Duration: 7am to 2pm.

Capacity: 10

We will caravan from our meeting location to Delintment Lake, arriving around 9:00. Starting at the dam, we’ll make our way around Delintment, looking for Williamson’s Sapsuckers, waterfowl, and other songbirds. After the almost 2-mile hike around the lake, we’ll meander a bit of the Delintment Creek Trail. This trail travels along the edge of a burn scar from a 2007 fire and travel is slow. We’ll travel about 1-mile up the trail (or as far as time allows), looking for shrub-loving forest birds, before heading back down the trail to our vehicles.

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F10. Birding By Ear at Indian Ford Meadow Preserve

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Indian Ford Meadow Preserve. 69700-69714 Indian Ford Rd., Sisters, OR 97759.

Duration: 7:00am to noon.

Capacity: 10

Join one of Deschutes Land Trust volunteer guides, Amy Sanchez, for a bird walk at one of Central Oregon’s birding hot spots–the Indian Ford Meadow Preserve. The Preserve is a 63 acre meadow outside of Sisters, Oregon that is bisected by Indian Ford Creek, and contains both wetland and pine forest habitat. Amy will explain some technique for using your ears (and technology) to identify birds by sound alone.

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F11. Birding for Beginners with Hannah and Erik

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 8:00am at the Calliope Crossing. N. Pine St., Sisters, OR 97759 (off Indian Ford Rd. at NF-2058).

Duration: 8am-11am.

Capacity. 10

Whether you’re just discovering the joys of birding or seeking to develop your birding skills, this trip with Hannah and Erik is for you! Calliope Crossing is a top Deschutes County birding hotspot! Dense riparian habitat surrounded by ponderosa pine forest supports all three Sapsuckers, Pacific Slope and Gray Flycatchers, Cassin’s Vireo, Western Wood-pewee, House Wren, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Cassin’s Finch and Calliope Hummingbird. Trails walked will be typically level, with some uneven ground. It’s a great area to see a wide variety of birds, but also to spend some time with individual birds to hone your id skills.

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F12. Birding for Beginners with Hannah and Erik

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 1:00pm at Calliope Crossing. N. Pine St., Sisters, OR 97759 (off Indian Ford Rd. at NF-2058).

Duration: 1pm to 4pm.

Capacity. 10

Whether you’re just discovering the joys of birding or seeking to develop your birding skills, this trip with Hannah and Erik is for you! Calliope Crossing is a top Deschutes County birding hotspot! Dense riparian habitat surrounded by ponderosa pine forest supports all three Sapsuckers, Pacific Slope and Gray Flycatchers, Cassin’s Vireo, Western Wood-pewee, House Wren, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Cassin’s Finch and Calliope Hummingbird. Trails walked will be typically level, with some uneven ground. It’s a great area to see a wide variety of birds, but also to spend some time with individual birds to hone your id skills.

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F13. Empids, Woodpeckers and Others, Oh My!

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Sisters Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 7:00am to 2:00pm.

Capacity: 10

This is a “study and learn” trip in the Green Ridge area of the Sisters Forest Service, focusing on the local Empids usually seen in early summer such as Gray, Dusky, Hammond’s, Western and Willow flycatchers. There will also be opportunities to see various sparrows, such as thick-billed Fox Sparrows and Green-tailed Towhees as well as some species that are either hybrids and maybe subject to splits in coming years. Woodpeckers, perhaps more Sapsuckers than others, will also be seen since they are in most visited areas.

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F14. Oregon Outback Loop– Fort Rock and Cabin Lake

Meeting place and time. Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Wickiup Junction/Burgess Road Park & Ride in LaPine.

Duration: 7:00am to 3:00pm.

Capacity: 10

This trip is an excursion into the Oregon Outback to see species found in juniper and sage habitats. The first stop will be the sagebrush desert surrounding Fort Rock Natural Area, to try to find Sage Thrasher, Sagebrush Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Brewer’s Sparrow and Ferruginous and Swainson’s Hawk, as well as White-throated Swift, Prairie Falcon, Rock Wren and Canyon Wren. We will leave the sage desert expanse to visit the higher elevation area of Cabin Lake, where desert merges with pine forest. The Cabin Lake blinds, a collaborative effort between ECBA and ODFW, allow close encounters with White-headed Woodpecker, Red Crossbill, Cassin’s Finch, Western Tanager and Pinyon Jay.

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Saturday June 1st


Sa1. Photography Workshop with Paul Bannick

Meeting place and time: Please meet at the Belfry by noon. The Befry is located at 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters, Oregon 97759.

Duration: Noon to 2pm.

Capacity: 30

Cost: $70

In this classroom workshop, Paul utilizes his own photos and knowledge to teach students how to photograph wildlife, particularly birds, in the field. He covers everything from how to find and approach your subject to how to capture the photos that you imagine. He covers compositional guides, depth of field, shutter speed, exposure compensation, the use of flash, shooting modes, and even the selection of equipment, Paul will help bring each student’s photography to the next level.

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Sa2. Photography Workshop with Paul Bannick

Meeting place and time: Please meet at the Belfry by 2:30pm. The Befry is located at 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters, Oregon 97759.

Duration: 2:30 to 4:30pm.

Capacity: 30

Cost: $70

In this classroom workshop, Paul utilizes his own photos and knowledge to teach students how to photograph wildlife, particularly birds, in the field. He covers everything from how to find and approach your subject to how to capture the photos that you imagine. He covers compositional guides, depth of field, shutter speed, exposure compensation, the use of flash, shooting modes, and even the selection of equipment, Paul will help bring each student’s photography to the next level.

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Sa3. Greater Sage-Grouse Project Educational Trip

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides at the Brothers Oasis Rest Area (34400 US-20, Brothers, OR 97712) by 9:00am. About 43 miles east of Bend. We will travel on gravel and dirt roads that are Subaru-suitable. Bring your own lunch. Walking will be under 2 miles on flat terrain.

Duration: 9:00am to 2:00pm.

Capacity: 10

Dr. Stu Garrett is the project leader for the ECBA Brothers Greater Sage-Grouse project in Central Oregon. The project focuses on improving the sagebrush steppe habitat with particular attention to the native wildflowers and grasses that are necessary for the grouse. Stu will describe the challenges faced by the Greater Sage-Grouse in Central Oregon and nature of the project trying to help them. The trip will stop at a number of spots in the area that are essential to the project and are primarily on public property. Stu will discuss several aspects of the ecology of the sagebrush steppe. The trip will include observing birds of the sage-steppe but it is unlikely we will see sage-grouse despite being in their occupied habitat. Possible sightings will be mountain bluebirds, sage thrashers, sage sparrows, raptors, shrikes, and pronghorn antelope.

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Sa4. Trout Creek Butte Loop 1 (6/1)

*note: there  are two Trout Creek Butte Loop trips on Friday and Saturday. Please make note of the one you register for!

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 6:30am at the Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 6:30am to 3:00pm.

Capacity: 10

This trip will likely include the area around Trout Creek Swamp up to the Scott Pass Trailhead which has good Pileated territory and in recent years American Three-toed Woodpeckers have nested here. Many other birds are found in the surrounding brush such as Lazuli Bunting, flycatchers, Hermit and Townsend’s warblers, Green-tailed Towhee, and Townsend’s Solitaire. The habitat is quite varied with burn, scrub, and denser forest. We will also visit Cold Springs Campground which is good for the sapsuckers and White-headed Woodpeckers. The terrain includes bumpy trails, uneven ground and modest inclines. The exact itinerary may change depending on recent sightings in the area.

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Sa5. Trout Creek Butte Loop 2 (6/1)

*note: there  are two Trout Creek Butte Loop trips on Friday and Saturday. Please make note of the one you register for!

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 6:30am at the Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 6:30am to 3:00pm.

Capacity: 10

This trip will likely include the area around Trout Creek Swamp up to the Scott Pass Trailhead which has good Pileated territory and in recent years American Three-toed Woodpeckers have nested here. Many other birds are found in the surrounding brush such as Lazuli Bunting, flycatchers, Hermit and Townsend’s warblers, Green-tailed Towhee, and Townsend’s Solitaire. The habitat is quite varied with burn, scrub, and denser forest. We will also visit Cold Springs Campground which is good for the sapsuckers and White-headed Woodpeckers. The terrain includes bumpy trails, uneven ground and modest inclines. The exact itinerary may change depending on recent sightings in the area.

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Sa6. Calliope Crossing/Indian Ford/Black Butte Swamp

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 7:00am to 2:00pm.

Capacity: 10

You are going to enjoy your visit to this Deschutes County birding hotspot! Dense riparian habitat surrounded by ponderosa pine forest supports all three Sapsuckers, Pacific Slope and Gray Flycatchers, Cassin’s Vireo, Western Wood-pewee, House Wren, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Cassin’s Finch and Calliope Hummingbird. Among uncommon birds in the area are Wild Turkey and Northern Pygmy-Owl. Trails walked will be typically level, with some uneven ground. This trip will also involve a trip to Indian Ford, the Black Butte Swamp, or other nearby areas, if time permits.

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Sa7. Empids, Woodpeckers and Others, Oh, my!

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Sisters Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 7:00am to 1:00pm.

Capacity: 10

This is a “study and learn” trip in the Green Ridge area of the Sisters Forest Service, focusing on the local Empids usually seen in early summer such as Gray, Dusky, Hammond’s, Western and Willow flycatchers. There will also be opportunities to see various sparrows, such as thick-billed Fox Sparrows and Green-tailed Towhees as well as some species that are either hybrids and maybe subject to splits in coming years. Woodpeckers, perhaps more Sapsuckers than others, will also be seen since they are in most visited areas.

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Sa8. Think Wild Birding Basics Walk

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Hatfield Ponds, 22395 McGrath Rd., Bend, OR 97701.

Duration: 7:00am to noon.

Number of people: 10 people

Description: Think Wild operates a hospital and conservation center in Bend, Oregon. Their vision is to foster a high desert community that prioritizes native wildlife protection and conservation. Join Sadie Pollock, Think Wild’s Education and Volunteer Manager, and Mary Shivell, former ECBA president, will be leading a Birding Basics walk at Hatfield Ponds, the top birding hotspot in Deschutes County. The walk will primarily be on packed gravel paths.

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Sa9. Accessible Sunriver Nature Trails

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides at Sunriver Nature Center parking lot, 57245 River Rd, Sunriver by 8:00am.

Duration: 8:00am to noon.

Capacity: 10

The Sunriver Resort area is one of the top birding locations in Deschutes County and much of the birding can be done from paved and rough gravel paths. Located in both open and Ponderosa Pine habitat, many birds can be seen including nesting Western and Mountain Bluebirds, Western Meadowlarks, a variety of woodpeckers and occasionally owls. We hope to visit the resident Trumpeter Swans which we can observe on the Sunriver Nature Center’s Lake Aspen. We will walk about 2 miles on paved and rough gravel paths, and along a road for a few stretches. You are invited to have lunch with your guides at the Owl’s Nest at the Sunriver Resort. Lunch is on your own.

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Sa10. Camp Polk Meadow Preserve

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 8:00am at the Sisters Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 8:00am to 1:00pm.

Capacity: 10

Camp Polk Meadow Preserve has a long and illustrious history as a crossroads for Native Americans, explorers, soldiers and settlers. The Hindman barn on the Preserve is believed to be one of Deschutes County’s oldest structures. Owned and managed by Deschutes Land Trust, this is a great meadow with willow, alders, and other riparian habitat. It is a great example of what a concerted restoration can achieve. Dippers nest on the river; Virginia and Sora Rails can be found in the ponds. A diversity of sapsuckers, White-headed Woodpeckers, Calliope Hummingbirds, a variety of flycatchers and warblers are all possible. Great Horned Owls and other owls are sometimes seen. Since this area can often be marshy and buggy, long pants and waterproof footwear are recommended. This area has grassy trails with inclines and uneven ground; walking poles and tick-prevention clothing are recommended. A Deschutes Land Trust waiver will be required with registration.

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Sa11. Oregon Outback Loop– Fort Rock and Cabin Lake

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Wickiup Junction/Burgess Road Park & Ride in LaPine.

Duration: 7:00am to 2:00pm.

Capacity: 10

This trip is an excursion into the Oregon Outback to see species found in juniper and sage habitats. The first stop will be the sagebrush desert surrounding Fort Rock Natural Area, to try to find Sage Thrasher, Sagebrush Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Brewer’s Sparrow and Ferruginous and Swainson’s Hawk, as well as White-throated Swift, Prairie Falcon, Rock Wren and Canyon Wren. We will leave the sage desert expanse to visit the higher elevation area of Cabin Lake, where desert merges with pine forest. The Cabin Lake blinds, a collaborative effort between ECBA and ODFW, allow close encounters with White-headed Woodpecker, Red Crossbill, Cassin’s Finch, Western Tanager and Pinyon Jay.

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Sa12. The Deschutes Land Trust Metolius Preserve.

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7am at the Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 7:00 to noon.

Capacity. 10

This trip will explore the Deschutes Land Trust’s Metolius Preserve. The Land Trust purchased this 1,240-acre property from Willamette Industries in 2002, and they have since engaged in intensive restoration activities. You will explore some of the most productive habitats. The tour will include up to three miles of walking, mostly on trails but also on some uneven ground.

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Sa13. Owl Prowl

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 8:30pm at the Belfry.

Duration: 8:30pm to 11:0pm.

Capacity: 10

We will travel to areas via caravan to stop, look and listen for owls. Your guides will do their best to find owls, but there are no guarantees that these elusive, nocturnal birds will be found.

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Sa14. Sawyer Park Birding by Ear

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 8:00am at the parking lot of Sawyer Park, Bend, Oregon. 62999 O. B. Riley Rd., Bend, OR 97701.

Duration: 8:00am to 11:00am.

Capacity: 10

David Tracy is a long-time ECBA volunteer and avid birder who leads a weekly bird walk each spring at Sawyer Park to help people develop their birding-by-ear skills. Sawyer Park has a mix of mature pine and juniper that is bisected by the Deschutes River, and includes some productive riparian area, resulting in an impressive diversity of birds. Be prepared to walk about a mile on generally flat trails that can be uneven or muddy in places. This trip is a great way to see and hear a variety of birds while developing your bird id skills.

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Sa15. Festival Banquet Dinner

Meeting place and time: This event will occur at the Belfry in downtown Sisters, Oregon. The address is 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters, OR 97759.

Duration: Doors open at 5:00pm and the event will conclude no later than 9:00pm. A buffet dinner catered by Bowtie Catering will open at 6:00pm. Paul Bannick will present his talk entitled “The Owl and the Woodpecker Revisited” at 7:00pm.

Capacity: 100

This is a can’t miss event featuring a fantastic speaker, great food, and an opportunity to meet fellow festival attendees, guides, ECBA board members and other bird-loving people.

Cost: $70

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Sa16. Kowa Optics and Digiscoping with Hannah and Erik

Meeting place and time:

Saturday, June 1st, The Belfry in downtown Sisters. The address is 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters, OR 97759.

Duration: 1:00 to 5:00pm.

Interested in digiscoping but don’t know where to start? Ask Kowa Sporting Optics Ambassadors, Hannah and Erik, your digiscope questions and check out some of their tips for getting your best photos. Drop in anytime!

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Su1. DLT Metolius Preserve

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 7:00am to noon.

Capacity. 10

This trip will explore the Deschutes Land Trust’s Metolius Preserve. The Land Trust purchased this 1,240-acre property from Willamette Industries in 2002, and they have since engaged in intensive restoration activities. You will explore some of the most productive habitats. The tour will include up to three miles of walking, mostly on trails but also on some uneven ground.

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Su2. Calliope Crossing

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 7:00am to noon.

Capacity: 10

You are going to enjoy your visit to this Deschutes County birding hotspot! Dense riparian habitat surrounded by ponderosa pine forest supports all three Sapsuckers, Pacific Slope and Gray Flycatchers, Cassin’s Vireo, Western Wood-pewee, House Wren, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Cassin’s Finch and Calliope Hummingbird. Among uncommon birds in the area are Wild Turkey and Northern Pygmy-Owl. Trails walked will be typically level, with some uneven ground. This trip will also involve a trip to Indian Ford, the Black Butte Swamp, or other nearby areas, if time permits.

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Su3. Banding Bluebirds and Kestrels

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 8:00am at the Sisters Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 8:00am to 1:00pm.

Capacity: 10

Attendees will be taken to a local bluebird trail where they will be able to observe young bluebirds (and maybe kestrels too) being banded. Local banders will explain the banding program. The group will have the opportunity for hands-on experience with managing nesting boxes for bluebirds and kestrels.

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Su4. Trout Creek Butte Loop

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 7:00am at the Creekside Park, Sisters, Oregon.

Duration: 7:00am to noon.

Capacity: 10

This trip is a short version of the full day trip and will focus on areas that were the most productive on the weekend trips. It will follow the FS 1018 Road from the Mackenzie Hwy to the 15 Road and return to the Mackenzie Hwy. It will likely include Scott Pass Trailhead and Trout Creek Swamp which has good Pileated territory and in recent years American Three-toed Woodpeckers have nested here. Many other birds are found in the surrounding brush such as Lazuli Bunting, flycatchers, Hermit and Townsend’s warblers, Green-tailed Towhee, and Townsend’s Solitaire. The habitat is quite varied with burn, scrub, and denser forest. We will also visit Cold Springs Campground which is good for the sapsuckers and White-headed Woodpeckers. The terrain includes bumpy trails, uneven ground and modest inclines. The exact itinerary may change depending on recent sightings in the area.

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Su5. Sawyer Park Birding by Ear

Meeting place and time: Meet your guides by 8:00am at the Sawyer Park, Bend, Oregon. 62999 O. B. Riley Rd., Bend, OR 97701.

Duration: 8:00am to 11:00am.

Capacity: 10

David Tracy is a long-time ECBA volunteer and avid birder who leads a weekly bird walk each spring at Sawyer Park to help people develop their birding-by-ear skills. Sawyer Park has a mix of mature pine and juniper that is bisected by the Deschutes River, and includes some productive riparian area, resulting in an impressive diversity of birds. Be prepared to walk about a mile on generally flat trails that can be uneven or muddy in places. This trip is a great way to see and hear a variety of birds while developing your bird id skills.

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For more information about what you can expect on a festival field trips click here.