Project Description
Since 2012, project leader, Kevin Black-Tanski, has employed cloud-based data management in support of our Winter Raptor Survey project. The raptor survey is a massive project with 515 current routes in six western states. Current GIS support of the surveys happens mostly during the November to March survey season, though additional support is provided sporadically throughout the year.
The intent of the project is to branch out into other ECBA projects through data management and visualization, and in the future, facilitate GIS data collection, storage, and access.
Why We Do This and What We Have Learned
Integration of GIS with the Winter Raptor Survey has significantly enhanced data collection and management efficiency for that project. Volunteer responses affirm the importance of data visualization using interactive mapping tools.
GIS is a powerful tool in support of avian education and conservation efforts.
What Volunteers Do
As stated in the project description, this effort is currently undertaken by the project leader. There may be a future opportunity for a qualified volunteer with applied GIS experience.
Project Focus Areas
- Activism/Advocacy
- Population Monitoring
- Community Engagement
- Bird Conservation
Would You Like to Volunteer?
If you have the requisite experience and would like to volunteer your skills to help expand this project, email ECBA at Please put “GIS Project Support” in the subject line.
Other Projects
- Bluebird Nest Box Project
- Cabin Lake Bird Blind
- Deschutes Land Trust / ECBA Bird Surveys
- Don and Lowell Franks Nest Box Project
- Golden Eagle Nest Camera on Whychus Creek
- Greater Sage-Grouse Project
- Kestrel Nest Box Project
- Lake Abert Coalition Bird Survey
- Pinyon Jay Study
- Summer Lake Shorebird Survey
- Vaux’s Swift Migration Survey
- Winter Raptor Surveys