June Birding Basics: Field Experience #6

Thursday June 1, 2023

This June, learn about Woodpeckers and other birds of the varied Shevlin Park Habitats (& bird books display!) Lynda and Skip Paznokas will lead a group through a 2-hour walk, talking about the history of the park and leading a walk with hopes of seeing pygmy nuthatch, hummingbird, black-headed grosbeak, red-naped sapsucker, red-breasted sapsucker, violet-green swallow, tree swallow, dipper, robin, lesser goldfinch, Steller’s jay, flicker, bald eagle, hairy woodpecker, mountain chickadee, and more. This event is open to birders of all ages and experience levels. 
Date/Time: June 8, Thursday. 8:00 till approximately 10:00 a.m., with an optional extension. Meet at 7:45. If you want a longer look at the bird books, they will be available starting at 7:30 in the picnic shelter.
Full details and registration link can be found here. Registration required, limited to 20 participants.
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