No February Birders’ Night

Friday February 3, 2023

No February Birders’ Night:
Mark your calendars for upcoming BNs

Guest speakers have been arranged for coming months so mark your calendars for:
March 16: Birds of the Southern Hemisphere: Ken Hashagen will share his experiences and photos from a tour of Antarctica, South Georgia and The Falkland Islands.
April 20: Status of the Greater-Sage Grouse in Eastern Oregon: Emily Weidner of US Fish and Wildlife Service will talk about recent developments in the science and status of GRSG.
May 18: Of Ravens Wolves and People by John Marzluff, PhD. (via Zoom).
June, July, August: Nothing scheduled; go birding!
September 21: A History of Oregon Ornithology: From Territorial Days to the Rise of Birding by Alan L. Contreras.
You can see the January Birders’ Night presentation by Marina Ritchie on YouTube here: Kingfishers.




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