No December Birders’ Night; Christmas Bird Counts Instead

Wednesday December 14, 2022


Although Christmas Bird Counts are not an official part of ECBA, they are a fun activity to do during the coming month. The data gathered goes into a large database maintained by National Audubon. Although COVID restrictions are not as stringent as they were, there may still be some caveats to follow. Statewide CBCs can be found at OBA/CBC. Local CBCs have been scheduled as follows:

Bend, December 17th – Tom Crabtree –
Madras, December 21st Annette Lange Hildebrand – Lange
Redmond, December 28th – Mike Golden –
Prineville, December 31 – Mark Gonzalez –
Sisters, At this time no Sisters CBC is scheduled.

In January, Marina Ritchie, a nature writer living in Bend, will tell us stories and excerpts from her book, Halcyon Journey: In Search of the Belted Kingfisher. The meeting will be on January 19 at 7 p.m. More information will be in the January Calliope and on the website