Priest Hole

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Robinson Canyon - Pine Creek Conservation Area

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Burnt Ranch Campground

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Hancock Field Station

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Rowe Creek Reservoir

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Hoover Creek Road/Hoover Creek Reservoir

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John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - Clarno Unit

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Fossil Sewage Ponds

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Twickenham Area

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Pine Creek Conservation Area

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Clarno Road

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Spray (Town)

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Rowe Creek Road

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Muleshoe Recreation Area

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Clarno BLM Boat Ramp

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Girds Creek Road

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Fossil (Town)

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From the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument – Painted Hills entrance on Bridge Creek Road, drive miles north to Twickenham Road (on the right). Take Twickenham Road 2.1 miles and then take a signed dirt road on the left and drive 1.2 miles to Priest Hole.


Habitat and Birds

The area offers camping, a vault toilet and a boat launch. Most of the camping areas are in the open, but there is a stand of tall Cottonwoods and a riparian area along the John Day River. Look for raptors, including Swainson’s, Norther Harrier and Red-Tailed Hawk.  Look for Virginia Rail, Common Merganser and Belted Kingfisher along the river. Summer migrants include Western Kingbird, Ash-throated and Dusky Flycatchers. Except for one visit in January, the area has only been birded from May-August.
