Barview Jetty and Barview County Park

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Barview Jetty and Barview Jetty Park   (45.569338, -123.944979) are located at the mouth of Tillamook Bay. This site is owned by Tillamook County. It is a day use fee area and campground with jetty access, restrooms, picnic areas, and parking.

To reach Barview Jetty and County Park from Garibaldi, travel northbound on Highway 101 from the intersection with 3rd Ave. for about 1.9 miles to Cedar Street. Turn left (west) on Cedar St. and continue about 0.2 miles to the park entrance and entry kiosk. Parking passes are sold here.

To reach the jetty (45.570251, -123.957253) from the entrance continue along Trailer Park Rd and Jetty Rd. for 0.5 mile to the parking area and nearby restrooms at the base of the jetty.

Barview Tide Pool and Painted Rock are nearby sites. To reach a viewpoint for these sites begin at the intersection of Highway 101 and Cedar St in Barview, turn right (south) on Highway 101. Travel for 0.5 miles to a large turnout parking area. This general area is also known as The Three Graces (45.564084, -123.936461).  Be aware of trains from Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad that use the railroad tracks west of this parking area.

Barview Jetty Park – Oregon Birding Trail: Choose the Oregon Coast Birding Trail, click on the North Coast tab and go to section 28

NOAA Tide Prediction for North Jetty – Barview


Habitat and Birds

Start birding before you enter Barview Jetty Park at a viewpoint parking area (45.569014, -123.945162) located at the end of Cedar St. and west of the park entry kiosk. This is a no-fee site. It offers views of the jetty and mouth of Tillamook Bay. Scope the channel from this point.

Barview Jetty is the main draw. It offers access to rocky shoreline, the mouth of Tillamook Bay, and open ocean habitats. The jetty can be walked with caution when conditions are favorable. High tides, winds, and waves can make walking the jetty hazardous. All species of shorebirds can be found here, but it is best known for “rockpipers” including Wandering Tattlers, Black Turnstones, the occasional Ruddy Turnstone, Surfbirds, Rock Sandpipers (November – March) and Black Oystercatchers. Waterfowl include Harlequin Ducks and both Surf and White-winged Scoters. The channel between the jetties is good for all species of loons, grebes, and cormorants. Uncommon alcids seen here include Rhinoceros Auklet, Ancient Murrelet, and with luck Cassin’s Auklet. Seawatching from the jetty can yield the above species and both species of Phalaropes, Sooty Shearwaters, and Storm-petrels. The beach extending north from the jetty should be checked for shorebirds. The large gull flocks that roost at the base of the jetty during winter sometimes hold uncommon species.

Winter high tides can bring large numbers of Dunlin and other shorebirds to roost on the jetty. These tides can also concentrate the “rockpipers” closer to the jetty base.

Barview Jetty Park camping area is a coastal forest of shore pine and Sitka Spruce with very good understory vegetation. This is best birded Fall through Spring for passerine birds, including Wrentits, wintering warblers, Red Crossbill, Sooty Fox Sparrows, and Hermit Thrush.

Barview Tide Pool and Painted Rock / The Three Graces is an area for viewing rocky bay shoreline, offshore rocks, and an area of Tillamook Bay with a strong tidal flow. Harlequin Ducks are regular here. All species of cormorants and loons, including Yellow-billed (rare) have been seen here. The rocky bay shoreline is good for Black Oystercatchers and all “rockpipers”.

eBird Checklists:

eBird checklist for Tillamook Bay–Barview Jetty

eBird checklist for Barview Tide Pool

eBird Checklist for Painted Rock 



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