Garibaldi Area

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Tillamook Area

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The Tillamook Bay–Garibaldi Marina (45.556022, -123.914859) is a small port operated by the Port of Garibaldi. To reach the marina from the intersection of 3rd Ave and Highway 101 in Garibaldi, travel about 0.2 miles west on Highway 101 to 7th Ave. Turn left (south) and travel 0.2 miles to a large parking area with public restrooms. There are no parking fees at any of the Garibaldi Marina sites listed.

The Garibaldi Marina Transient Dock area (45.556495, -123.911300) is located on the east side of the marina. To reach the transient dock parking area from the intersection of 3rd Ave and Highway 101 in Garibaldi, travel south on 3rd Ave for about 250 feet. Turn left on American Way and travel about 200 feet to an unnamed road. Turn left and travel south on this road to the parking area and viewpoint at the south end of the road. There are public restrooms at the north end of this road on American Way.

There are two Garibaldi Marina Crab Docks (45.554249, -123.915591). They are located east and west of the Port of Garibaldi Office. Both offer similar bay views. To reach the crab docks from the intersection of 3rd Ave and Highway 101 in Garibaldi, travel about 0.2 mile westerly on Highway 101 to 7th Ave. Turn left (south) and travel 0.3 mile to a large parking area to the right, enter the lot and travel 0.1 mile to the southwest to a parking area. The west crab dock is to the south, the east crab dock is about 500 feet to the east.

The Tillamook Bay–Garibaldi Public Pier (45.557397, -123.921460) is a long pier extending into Tillamook Bay west of Garibaldi. The pier ends at the historic United States Coast Guard Boathouse. To reach this site from the intersection of 3rd Ave and Highway 101 in Garibaldi, travel about 0.5 mile westerly on Highway 101 to 12th Ave. Turn left (south) and travel 200 feet to Bay Lane. Turn right and travel about 0.1 miles to a parking area with portable restrooms.

The Tillamook Bay–Garibaldi Roadside Bay Overlook (45.559121, -123.927855) is located at the Capitan Robert Gray Historical Marker west of Garibaldi. To reach this site from the intersection of 3rd Ave and 101 in Garibaldi travel about 0.9 miles west on Highway 101. The site is a parking area with views of Tillamook Bay on the south side of the highway.

Garibaldi Boat Basin – Oregon Birding Trail: Choose the Oregon Coast Birding Trail, click on the North Coast tab and go to section 28



Habitat and Birds

Garibaldi Marina is good in winter for all species of grebes (Eared and Clark’s uncommon) and Loons. Uncommon waterfowl include Canvasback, Black Scoter (rare), Barrows Goldeneye, and Long-tailed Duck (rare).

The south end of the Garibaldi Transient Docks viewpoint overlooks the east side of the marina, a sandy beach to the southeast, and portions of Miami Cove. A large gull flock often winters in this area.

The Garibaldi Crab Docks provide good viewpoints for scanning large wintering flocks on the bay. In summer the docks are good for Brown Pelicans and Heerman’s Gulls.

The Tillamook Bay–Garibaldi Public Pier offers good views of Tillamook Bay and a shallow cove to the east of the pier. Waterfowl in this area include regular Barrow’s Goldeneye and (rarely) Long-tailed Duck.

The Tillamook Bay–Garibaldi Roadside Bay Overlook offers good scope views of Tillamook Bay.

eBird Checklists:

 ebird Hotspot checklist Tillamook Bay–Garibaldi Marina

ebird Hotspot checklist Tillamook Bay–Garibaldi Public Pier

ebird Hotspot checklist Tillamook Bay–Garibaldi Roadside Bay Overlook




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