Divide Well Campground

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From the junction of Hwy 395 and Hwy 244 just west of Ukiah, take the NFDR 53 Road west for about 9 miles until you reach the 5312 Road. Turn south onto the 5312 Road and follow it until you reach the 5320 Road (about 6.7 miles). At that junction, there is a sign that says “Divide Wells 2.” You turn right on 5320 for about a mile, and then there is another sign for Divide Wells at the junction of 5327. You turn right and the campground is 0.6 miles on the right. This is the Divide Well Campground; it’s a primitive campground and bring your own water. This location is only a few yards inside Umatilla County from the Umatilla/Morrow County line.


Habitat and Birds

You are in a very dense population of Flammulated Owl, Long-eared Owl, Williamson’s Sapsucker, Cassin’s Vireo, Western Tanager, and Cooper’s Hawk. Camp here and be prepared to meet all kinds of wild animals. Flammulated Owls arrive from their wintering areas around May 10. It’s much easier to hear them than to actually see them. Best time to find them is from mid-May to early July.


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