Umatilla County
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Albee Road
Albee Road was named for the former “town” of Albee that was located 6.2 miles north of Ukiah. It passes through pine and mixed conifer forest, grasslands, wet meadows, and ranch lands. There are several stock ponds along the road that...
Alkali Canyon Road and Mud Springs Canyon Road
Umatilla County | Pilot Rock Area
Dry grasslands and farmland. Grassland birds are common here, and Horned Larks are especially abundant year round. Western Meadowlarks, Vesper Sparrows and Savannah Sparrows breed along the route, and a colony of Grasshopper Sparrows usually can b...
Battle Mountain Scenic Corridor
Umatilla County | Pilot Rock Area
This area has a mixed forest of pine, larch, and Douglas fir. The park is closed in the winter but you can park at the gate and walk around. Birds you might find here include Ruffed Grouse, Dusky Grouse, Mountain Quail, Wild Turkey, Red-tailed Haw...
Bear Wallow Creek
Take SR 244 east out of Ukiah to FR 54 (about 12.8 miles). Turn left or north onto FR 54 and bird this road for the first 4 miles. All the expected Blue Mountain forest birds can be seen along this route (see locations above) including Great Gray ...
Cold Springs National Wildlife Refuge
Umatilla County | Hermiston Area
The reservoir is rimmed with cottonwood/brush habitat and harbors many species of breeding and migrating songbirds. All of the parking lots access this habitat. “Fall” shorebirding on the mudflats of the reservoir is excellent, althoug...
Coombs Canyon Road
Umatilla County | Pendleton Area
Dry grasslands and dryland wheat croplands and minimal sagebrush. The habitat between mile 1 and 4.5 is good for grassland birds from Apr. to Sep. Some years, Grasshopper Sparrows breed along the road. Reinhart Road, which intersects Coombs Canyon...
Divide Well Campground
You are in a very dense population of Flammulated Owl, Long-eared Owl, Williamson’s Sapsucker, Cassin’s Vireo, Western Tanager, and Cooper’s Hawk. Camp here and be prepared to meet all kinds of wild animals. Flammulated Owls arri...
East Birch Creek and Pearson Creek Roads (SE of Pilot Rock)
Umatilla County | Pilot Rock Area
East Birch Creek Road passes through farmlands and follows East Birch Creek, which has a narrow strip of riparian vegetation. Steep dry hillsides. Chukars and Gray Partridge have been seen along the road, but numbers seemed to have declined in the...
Emigrant Springs State Park
Umatilla County | Meacham Area
This is mixed conifer and Engelmann Spruce habitat. In the breeding season this park is full of birds. Loud traffic noise from the adjacent I-84 can be very distracting while birding here. Species you might find here include Red-naped Sapsucker, W...
Gurdane Road
Umatilla County | Pilot Rock Area
This road travels through canyons, riparian strips, grasslands, and ranch/farmland. This wide variety of habitats produces a varied bird list. Specialties in this area include Common Poorwill, Gray Partridge, Chukar, Swainson’s Hawk, Ferrugi...
Harris County Park
Park, pines, mixed conifer, rocky hillsides, and riparian strip. Ruffed Grouse, California Quail, Vaux’s Swift, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Northern Flicker, Western Wood-Pewee, Hammond’s and Western Flycatcher, Cassin’s a...