Indian Creek Trail (Hood River)

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This city trail system follows Indian Creek on the south side of Hood River. It runs from 2nd Street on the east end to Barrett Park on the east end. It is broken into 3 sections and is not continuous. One section goes from 2nd and Hazel to 12th St. Another section runs from Columbia Gorge Community College to a section of private land. A third section goes from the Hood River Valley High School south to Barrett Park.


Habitat and Birds

Riparian species are the attractions here. In summer, look for Downy Woodpecker, Western Wood-pewee, Bewick’s Wren, Common Yellowthroat, swallows, Black-headed Grosbeak, Bullock’s Oriole and many others. In winter, look for Black-capped Chickadees, California Scrub-jays, California Quail, Ring-necked Pheasant, Wood Duck, American Dipper and wintering sparrows. Many species are possible in migration. 12th St. Trailhead – 45.696859, -121.523805 Devon Crt. Trailhead – 45.695578, -121.528882 College Trailhead – 45.695452, -121.526323 Alameda West Trailhead – 45.681270, -121.552320 High School Trailhead – 45.685641, -121.547873
