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Balm Creek Reservoir

Baker County | East County

Care should be taken when attempting access to this lake in early spring as snow may block your path. From mid-summer to late fall, the lake sometimes dries up. Forest species in this area include Ruffed Grouse, Dusky Grouse, Wild Turkey, Northern...

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Coos County | Bandon Area

As you travel along the boat basin and old docks, watch for resting shorebirds and waders, gull wads, loons, pelicans and the like.  Behind the Coast Guard facility and heading west check for roosting “rockpipers” at high tide. Look f...

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Bandon Dunes

Coos County | Bandon Area

After stopping at the main office of this public golf course for a trail map, you can look for Raptors perching on the powerlines and snags: watch for White-tailed Kite, American Kestrel, Merlin, Peregrine Falcon, and Red-shouldered Hawk. You will...

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Barnes Butte Reservoir

Crook County | North Of Prineville

This is a private  lake surrounded by marsh, agricultural fields and juniper. The cattail area to the north of the road offers fantastic views of breeding Yellow-headed Blackbird, Virginia Rail, Sora, Northern Harrier, and Marsh Wren. The lake ho...

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Barr Road

Deschutes County | Redmond Area

Juniper forest and open sagebrush scrub. All along this dirt road there are other open areas good for Chipping Sparrow, Brewer’s Sparrow, Sagebrush Sparrow and Lark Sparrow. Pinyon Jay, Clark’s Nutcracker, Mountain Bluebird, Mountain C...

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Barton Park

Clackamas County | Hwy 242 Area

This park, located along the Clackamas River, comprises river, riparian, wetland, and woodland habitats. Watch for Bald Eagle, Cooper’s Hawk, and a variety of woodpeckers and songbirds, including nesting MacGillivray’s Warbler. Up to six speci...

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Basser Diggins CG Big Lookout Mt.


The habitat is a mix of Western Juniper, Douglas Fir, Aspen and bitter brush. This is a very isolated birding experience, as there are very few people in this area. The birding is never dull, as there are very unique plant communities in this area...

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Bastendorf Beach

Coos County | Charleston Area

The pastures on the east side of the road can yield sparrows and Black Phoebe. Where the creek empties in the ocean can have large gull and shorebird flocks. Scanning the harbor is an excellent place to view waterfowl, loon, and grebes. A female K...

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Batch Lake

Malheur County | Hwy 95 Area

Habitat and Birds: This is a small lake just west of Lower Cow Lake. Shallow water and marshy areas attract plenty of shorebirds and waders along with other marsh lovers. American Bittern has nested here but not recently. Keep your eyes open for i...

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Bay City Area

Tillamook County | Tillamook Bay Area

Pacific Oyster Company accesses rocky shoreline, small marina, and bay habitats. To bird the area, walk west from the parking area. This is an active seafood processing plant where birders have been tolerated, be aware to not inte...

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Bayocean Spit

Tillamook County | Tillamook Bay Area

Bayocean Spit is a 3.5-mile long peninsula with open ocean and beach habitats on the west, and bay shore tide flat habitat on the east. Between the shores is a mix of dune, willow patches, coastal Sitka Spruce/Western Hemlock fore...

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Bear Creek Greenway

Jackson County | Medford Area

Bear Creek runs from Ashland to Central Point with a virtually unbroken paved path the whole way. Lush riparian growth mixes with oak woodlands to offer a good sampler of Southern Oregon habitats. This is a wonderful place to find a cross-section ...

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Bear Hollow

Wheeler County | North County

Like most of the canyons in the area, this one is lined with juniper and winds its way through patches of sage and grassland. Mt. Bluebirds, Golden Eagle, and Mt. Quail are possible here.

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Bear Hollow County Park

Wheeler County | North County

Thick pine trees and riparian areas produce plenty of birds. There is an open field to the south of the campground. Species seen here include Yellow-breasted Chat, Say’s Phoebe, Western Wood-pewee, Song Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Western Kingbir...

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Bear Wallow Creek

Umatilla County | Ukiah Area

Take SR 244 east out of Ukiah to FR 54 (about 12.8 miles). Turn left or north onto FR 54 and bird this road for the first 4 miles. All the expected Blue Mountain forest birds can be seen along this route (see locations above) including Great Gray ...

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Beggar’s Tick Wetland

Multnomah County | Gresham Area

There is a very nice wetland at the north end of this refuge. This region is under-birded. If you have visit here, be sure to report your findings so we can find out more about the birds here.  As of this writing, 97 different species have been f...

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Belts Road Grasslands

Linn County | Brownsville Area

Open natural grasslands. Willamette Valley Western Meadowlarks are a species of concern and this is a good location for them. In winter, waterfowl feed here and Snow and Ross’s Goose are possible. Ring-necked Pheasant can be heard crowing he...

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Benton County Fairgrounds

Benton County | Corvallis Area

The main draw here is a reliable flock of Acorn Woodpeckers that have been very reliable for many years. The oak grove is on the north side of the fairgrounds, north of the main arena and there’s plenty of parking between the arena and the o...

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Big Camas Loop

Douglas County | Cascade Mountains Area

Mixed aged and species of conifer habitats along route;( Douglas Fir, Incense Cedar, Sugar and Lodgepole Pines, Western Hemlock and Western Red Cedar are prevalent) wet meadows, and brushy scrub;

one-lane gravel road with turnouts; Hammondâ...

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Big Marsh

Klamath County | North County

Six square-mile marsh at 4,700′ in elevation, with pine and mixed conifer forest.

Breeding birds include Sandhill Crane, rails, Black Tern, Wilson’s Phalarope, and Yellow-headed Blackbird.  Several species of waterfowl also nes...

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Birch Creek

Malheur County | Owyhee Area

A wide variety of habitats range from farmland to riparian stream sides and open sage. Nice riparian vegetation at roads end can produce good migrants. Residents like Warbling Vireo and House Wren are easy to find.

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