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Black Butte

Jefferson County | Sisters North

Subalpine Forests, and Timberline General Birds in Area: Forest Species such as woodpeckers, finches, Clark’s Nutcracker, Hammond’s Flycatcher, Sooty Grouse, Wild Turkey, Green-tailed Towhee, Fox Sparrow, Mt. Chickadee, Cassin’s ...

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Bluebill Loop

Coos County | North Of Coos Bay Bridge

This 1.2 mi walking trail includes lake, shorepine forest, deflation plains and sand dunes.  A wide variety of freshwater ducks can be seen on the lake. Habitat around the lake attracts White-tailed Kite, Northern Harrier, Violet-green Swallow, D...

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Bob Creek

Lane County | Coastal Sites

Offshore rocks attract “rockpipers” as well as Harlequin Duck (both are possible in late fall, winter, early spring). The creek-side habitat next to the parking lot has attracted rare passerines.

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Bobolink Prairie

Crook County | East Of Prineville

Search both sides of the road for species that like flooded fields. White-faced Ibis are sometimes seen after the breeding season in late July or early August (and occasionally in the spring). Willet arrive in early May and nest here. Sandhill ...

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Bogus Lakes

Malheur County | Hwy 95 Area

This area is a seasonal playa lake that is bordered by marshy areas. It often goes dry by mid-summer. Just about any species of duck can show up here and Redheads often breed at this location. Barrow’s Goldeneye also breed here if water leve...

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Bonita Road Willow Grove

Malheur County | Hwy 26 Area

This is a nice area during migration. It’s a good place to pick up some county rarities. Warblers, vireos, Western Tanager, Northern Oriole, and others can be found here in spring and fall. Great Horned Owls use these trees to roost and nest...

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Bonneville Dam

Multnomah County | Columbia River East

June is the best time to view gulls from this location because the annual Shad run creates a bit of a feeding frenzy at this time. Keep an eye out for the occasional Peregrine falcon and bird the small island that holds the visitors center for mig...

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Bowen Valley

Baker County | Baker City Area

Riparian stream sides and farmland. Look for Western and Eastern Kingbirds here. Bobolinks are possible here and raptors like Ferruginous Hawk and Rough-legged Hawk might be found in season. This can be a good winter sparrow area along the fence l...

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Bradley Lake

Coos County | Bandon Area

This lake is good for ducks, grebes, swallows and herons.  Walking out on the dock or taking a boat/kayak increases your view of the lake.  The trees around the parking lot and the lake have warblers, grosbeaks, nuthatches, woodpeckers and rapto...

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Bramlet Lane

Wallowa County | West County On Hwy 82

This route passes pastures, scattered trees, and wet areas along poorly named Dry Creek. In winter look for Bald Eagles and raptors along both roads.  In summer look for Bobolinks and Wilson’s Snipe in the grassy meadows.  Toward the west ...

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Bray Point

Lane County | Coastal Sites

This is a great location to do sea watches since it is a bit elevated and gives a nice view of the ocean on a clear day. Alcids, tubenoses and sea ducks are usually present.

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Breitenbush Saddle

Marion County | Hwy 20 To The Cascades

This site is an old salvage-logged burn area, a good spot for woodpeckers, grouse, quail, flycatchers and others. However, road closures because of the recent fires do not allow access to the site to determine the current status. This note will be...

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Brewer Reservoir

Jefferson County | Madras North & East

This road weaves through grassland, juniper and sage as well as some farmland. The reservoir is one of the largest bodies of water in the county and can be good for fall and spring waterfowl.  Shorebirds are present in small numbers in the fall...

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Bridge Creek Road

Wheeler County | South County

Some of the species seen along the road include Ross’s Goose, Spotted Sandpiper, Loggerhead Shrike, Lewis’s Woodpecker, Norther Rough-winged Swallow, Bank Swallow, Bushtit, Lark Sparrow, and BullockR...

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Broadmead Road

Yamhill County | Mcminneville Area

The low lands around the area have a variety of wintering raptors such as Prairie Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Rough-legged Hawk, Northern Harriers, American Kestrel, and Red-tailed Hawk. A Bald Eagle pair has nested along the river for years. The po...

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Broken Top/Todd Lake

Deschutes County | South Of Bend

High elevation forest. Boreal Owls are heard here mostly in October before the area is closed by snow. The 370 Rd is good for Black-backed Woodpeckers feeding on the lodge pole pines. There is an access road to the Broken Top trail head and a poss...

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Curry County | South County

Birding the residential areas of Brookings can often produce some very good results. Some of the more unusual birds found here include Broad-winged Hawk, Gyrfalcon, White-winged Dove (more than once), Eurasian Collared-Dove, Yellow-bellied Sapsuck...

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Brookings State Parks

Curry County | South County

Many of these parks have beautiful gardens that attract hummingbirds and migrating warblers. If you are in forested areas, look and listen for Golden-crowned Kinglets and Pacific-slope Flycatchers. Northern Pygmy-Owls can be found in these areas i...

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Brookside Park

Multnomah County | Gresham Area

Some of the birds you might see here in this mitigation wetland include many species of ducks, Great Blue Heron, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Mourning Dove, Vaux’s Swift, Belted Kingfisher, Downy Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Willow Flycatcher, St...

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Brothers Rest Stop

Deschutes County | East Of Bend

Agricultural lands. This is a prime area for wintering raptors such as Prairie Falcons, Red tailed and Rough Legged Hawks. In summer search for Swainson’s and Ferruginous Hawks. Sage Thrashers and Sagebrush Sparrows are common here as are Mounta...

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Broughton Beach

Multnomah County | North Portland Area

Broughton Beach is best in fall and winter when typically large rafts of Lesser and Greater Scaup are present.  Gulls can be plentiful, especially by a spit that is about 0.5 miles east of the parking lot.  Numerous birds hard to find away from ...

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Clatsop County | Brownsmead Area

Some of the more interesting species found in the Brownsmead area include Arctic Loon, Eurasian Green-winged Teal, Little Blue Heron, Cattle Egret, Gyrfalcon, White-tailed Kite, Red-shouldered Hawk, and Palm Warbler.


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Brush Creek

Curry County | North County

Gulls and shorebirds can be abundant at the estuary. On the trail to Humbug Mountain you might be able to get good looks at one of Oregon’s most beautiful warblers, the Hermit warbler.

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Bull Prairie Reservoir

Grant County | West County

This beautiful lake is on Yearling Springs which is part of the headwaters of Big Wall Creek which flows into the North Fork of the John Day River. This lake is surrounded by a mix of Douglas fir, ponderosa pine, western larch and some willows and...

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Bullards Beach State Park

Coos County | Bandon Area

This State Park has a trail system that ends at the South Jetty of the Coquille River, passing through woods, deflation plains, and views of the river.  Look along the Coquille River for Pelagic, Brandt’s, and Double-crested Cormorant and Ospre...

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Bumphead Reservoir

Klamath County | Eastern Klamath

This unique small reservoir is the headwaters of the East Branch of the Lost River. It is surrounded by a mix of western juniper,  mountain mahogany, bitter brush and ponderosa pine. This is a great place to camp and well worth a early summer tri...

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Burns Junction

Malheur County | Hwy 95 Area

There is little to see at the junction itself and, as of 2009, there were no services at this location. It’s worth a short check in the area to see if the odd grackle or White-winged Dove or a Band-tailed Pigeon might be present (It’s ...

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