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Burns Pond

Harney County | Burns Area

This pond hosts a wide variety of duck species and is productive year round. Actually there are two separate ponds here separated by a levee. Double-crested Cormorant, herons, shorebirds, gulls, terns, and swallows are all here in season. Swainso...

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Burns-Izee Road (NF 47)

Harney County | Burns Area

Take NF 47 out of Hines and stop frequently as it travels through different habitats. Many of the common juniper species like Gray Flycatcher and Ash-throated Flycatchers can be found in the first few miles of the road.

After 7 miles, NF-47...

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Harney County | Burns Area

The towns of Burns and Hines are often under-birded as many are focused on getting to Malheur NWR. Yet while Malheur gets all the press, a respectable list of rarities have appeared in Burns/Hines as well.

Often, migrants can be found in go...

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Burnt Ridge Road/FSR 2308

Curry County | Central County

Mixed conifer forest intermingles with burned forest to provide a diverse habitat and many species of forest birds. Look for Sooty Grouse, Nashville Warbler, and Green-tailed Towhee. Higher up on 2308, look for Mountain Quail, Rufous and AllenR...

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Butte Creek Road

Wheeler County | North County

Habitat and Birds: Take this road as long as you like as it winds through farmland, sage flats and canyons. It follows Butte Creek so there are many riparian opportunities here. Birds here include geese, mallards, Common Merganser...

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Buttermilk Canyon

Gilliam County | Condon Area

This area has the best stand of juniper trees so could harbor Gray Flycatchers and Ash-throated Flycatchers. Mountain Bluebirds and Chipping Sparrow are also possible. Vesper Sparrow has been seen and Lazuli Buntings, Say’s Phoebe, and Horne...

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Calliope Crossing

Deschutes County | Sisters Area

This is one of the most well-known and beloved birding locations in the county. Dense riparian habitat surrounded by ponderosa pine forest supports all three Sapsuckers, “Western” and Gray Flycatchers, Cassin’s Vireo, Western Wood-pewee, Hou...

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Camas Prairie

Wasco County | Tygh Valley/cascades

This is a very nice section of forest that is very productive. Though patch-worked with clear-cuts, the forest remains productive enough to attract many species. A list might include Black-backed Woodpecker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Warbling Vireo,...

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Camassia Preserve

Clackamas County | Valley Locations

Volunteers with The Nature Conservancy have restored oak woodlands and meadows on this 26-acre site. In springtime native wildflowers abound on a rocky plateau that was scoured by the Missoula floods at the end of the last ice age. Osprey nest on ...

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Camp Kiwanilong

Clatsop County | Astoria Area

Species found here include Saw-whet Owls nesting in the Wood Duck boxes, Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser, Ruffed Grouse, Green Heron, Osprey, Band-tailed Pigeon, Great Horned Owl, Downy Woodpecker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Hut...

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Camp Polk Meadow

Deschutes County | Sisters Area

This preserve, managed by the Deschutes Basin Land Trust, has an improving meadow habitat with pools and surrounding riparian habitats. Most of the species seen at Calliope Crossing can be found here in the spring and summer. Both Virginia Rail an...

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Camp Sherman

Jefferson County | Sisters North

Forest birds, neo-tropic migrants and hummingbirds. Make sure you stop at the Bridge in Camp Sherman and follow the trails on both sides of the river down- stream. American Dippers are always present at the bridge and there is plenty of bird activ...

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Canaan Marsh

Columbia County | Vernonia Area

The marshy area is just past the tree farm. This is an interesting patch of land. Surrounded by Douglas fir forests a small set of creeks flood a small plain for about a quarter mile. It is filled with willows and Hard Hack shrubs. On one recent a...

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Canby Community Park

Clackamas County | Canby Area

This parking area is next to the Molalla River, and there are substantial wetlands surrounding this park so many birds are drawn to this location. See the eBird checklist for a bird list. Mandarin Duck, of questionable countability, has been recor...

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Canby Logging Trail

Clackamas County | Canby Area

There are several trails into the woods here and you are free to explore. The trail goes north for 3.5 miles and you will have to walk about 0.8 miles to reach the river but it’s worth the walk to access the riparian strip. The bird life her...

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Cannon Beach Sewage Ponds

Clatsop County | Seaside Area

The ponds and adjacent wetlands attract various species such as Bald Eagle, Great Blue Heron, a variety of ducks (Wood Duck, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, American Wigeon, Green-winged Teal), Black-capped Chickadee, Wilson’s Snipe, Ma...

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Douglas County | Canyonville Area

Habitat: Herbet’s pond with trail; since county worked on dam very little water habitat but brush habitat is very good: cannot walk all the way around pond because of brush; farmland, river, riparian, mixed hardwood and conifer.


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Cape Arago/Simpson Reef

Coos County | Charleston Area


This beautiful, rocky intertidal habitat attracts Harlequin Duck, Black Oystercatcher, Pigeon Guillemot, Surfbird, Black Turnstone, and Black, Surf and White-winged Scoter, and an occasional Rock Sandpiper. From the viewing deck watc...

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Carmen Lake

Douglas County | Cascade Mountains Area

This is a unique habitat for low elevation on the Umpqua National Forest.

Series of small ponds surrounded by mixed ponderosa and sugar pine with old-growth Douglas-fir; numerous dead trees and cattail marsh in ponds; rocky bluffs above; Th...

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Carr Slough – Graham Road

Columbia County | Ranier Area

This is excellent duck habitat in the winter. It is a major wintering ground for Tundra Swan. Trumpeters can be mixed in as well. Scan tree tops for the local Bald Eagles. Great Egrets and Great Blue Herons can be thick at times. Congregations of ...

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Catherine Creek State Park

Union County | Union Area

Tall pines and riparian areas. Look for mountain species like grouse, Accipiters, Vaux’s Swift, Rufous & Calliope Hummingbirds. Woodpeckers include Hairy, Northern Flicker, Red-naped Sapsucker, Downy, and Pileated. Red and White-breasted...

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Cave Junction

Josephine County | Cave Junction Area

Many of the same birds seen in Grants Pass can be found in Cave Junction, although Oak Titmouse and Gray Gnatcatcher tend to be much harder to come by, and some of the more forest-associated species such as Golden-crowned Kinglet and Red-breasted ...

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Center Ridge Road Loop

Wasco County | Dufur Area

With the exception of a few creek crossings, this loop takes you through sagebrush and dryland farms along with a little bit of natural grasslands. Not much is known about the birds along this route so it is important that you report your sighting...

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Charleston Area & OIMB

Coos County | Charleston Area


The boat basin is a good place to get good looks at Brown Pelican, loons, grebes, gulls and other waterfowl such as Long-tailed Duck.  Walking on the trail you might hear a Pileated Woodpecker. A Magnificent Frigatebird was found he...

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Chehalem Mountain

Yamhill County | North County

Along the top of the mountain, look for Western Bluebirds, Western Kingbird, Band-tailed Pigeon, Western Screech-Owl, Northern Saw-whet Owl, Vaux’s Swift, Pileated Woodpecker, Chestnutbacked Chickadee, Winter Wren, and Varied Thrush. Warbler...

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Chetco Estuary

Curry County | South County

The Harbor Area is the best place in the county for Black-crowned Night-herons. Other birds include sea ducks, rocky shore birds, loons, Brown Pelicans, cormorants, and sea ducks. The river mouth and north jetty should be checked for Black-legged ...

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Chickahominy Reservoir

Harney County | West County

Stop at the Dam and look for sparrows, Canyon and Rock Wrens. Continue on and work your way around the north side of the lake.

There are numerous pullouts that give you good views of the shoreline and the waterfowl in the lake. In the lake ...

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