Scott Lake

Home » Birding Locations » Lane County » Hwy 126 Cascades

Box Canyon and Skookum Meadows

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Delta Old Growth Trail (CLOSED)

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South Fork McKenzie River Trailhead

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Cougar Reservoir

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Horsepasture Mountain

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From McKenzie Bridge, OR, travel east on Highway 126 for 3 miles to Highway 242. Follow Highway 242 east for 14 miles to Forest Road 260. Take a left on Forest Road 260 and go west a short distance to Scott Lake Campground and nearby Benson/Tenas Trailhead (fee site).

US Forest Service website is:


Habitat and Birds

This location has lakes, meadows, and forests for lots of high Cascade birds and by fall most of the bugs are gone. Mountain species might include Sooty Grouse, Northern Goshawk, Northern Pygmy-owl, Common Nighthawk, Cassin’s Vireo, Steller’s Jay, Canada Jay, Mt. Chickadee, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Swainson’s Thrush, Varied Thrush, Townsend’s Solitaire, half dozen species of warblers and Red Crossbill among others. It’s one of the best locations in the county for Black-backed and Three-toed Woodpeckers. Great Gray Owl is possible and the habitat may be right for Boreal Owl in late fall but this needs to be investigated.
