Shady Grove Rest Area

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Rowe Creek Road

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This rest area is 6.6 miles SE of Spray on Highway 19 along the John Day River. There is parking and a pit toilet. There rest area is mostly shaded with some grassy edges and offers access to the river. Across the highway are some cliffs.


Habitat and Birds

Look for White-throated Swifts, Canyon Wren, Golden and Bald Eagle in the cliffs. Osprey, Prairie Falcon and Sharp-shinned Hawks have been spotted here. Least and Ash-throated have been seen, as well as Western Kingbird, Western Tanagers, Lazuli Bunting, Black-headed Grosbeak and Wild Turkeys have been also seen. Look for Spotted Sandpiper along the river. Warblers seen here include Yellow, MacGillvray’s, and Yellow-Rumped.
