South Silvies Valley

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From Burns, take Highway 395 north for 23 miles to the southern edge of Silvies Valley. This is approximately 7 miles past the Joaquin Miller Horse Camp.


Habitat and Birds

Traveling north on 395 one descends from the forested mountains of Malheur National Forest into the Trout Creek and Silvies River Valleys. The road follows the Silvies River for 20 miles to the town of Seneca. The northern half of the Silvies Valley is in Grant County.

Silvies Valley is predominantly open rangeland in private ownership surrounded by ponderosa pine forest. Average elevation is 4600 feet. Check out the fields and ponds for waterfowl, cranes and geese. The northern part of the valley (Grant County) has a bit more wetland habitat, good for Wilson’s Snipe, American Avocet, Long-billed Curlew, and Willet during the breeding season.


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