Golden Eagle Camera on Whychus Creek Sisters

Please help support the Golden Eagle camera! To make a donation towards the substantial cost of getting these images on the internet, please go to the East Cascades Bird Alliance donation page, and select the Golden Eagle Cam as the payment destination.

Thanks to the Deschutes Land Trust on whose Aspen Hollow Preserve the nest is located.  The cooperation of the DLT was instrumental in successfully rescuing and re-nesting one of 2019’s eaglets, Whychus, and their continued support for this nest cam project is gratefully acknowledged.

A special thanks to Yellowknife Wireless ( for their support of this project.  They have generously allotted ECBA a bonus deal that gives us excellent service for a reduced price.  If you need or know someone who needs internet service in the Central Oregon area, pass on our recommendation that this is a good company to work with.

For those not familiar with the ivideon features: you can click in the blue bar below the image to go to the time shown where you click and review the recorded video. For folks posting times of activities, the time on the time line or the time in the date and location heading are now synchronized so either can be used.  You can zoom in on the time line with the + and – buttons to the lower right of the image. You can click on the date bar on the lower left of the image to go to another day. When looking at a recording, you can click on “live” to get back to the live image. Sometimes we will pull video clips and post them on youtube but with 10 days of recording it won’t be necessary to do that as often as in the past.  You can start view video by clicking in the center of the image of anywhere on the blue timeline.

You can comment on this page. This page is working as a single blog post with continuing comments and replies as we have done in the past. The old comment thread with past years’ comments is no longer accessible here.  This comment thread has been active since February, 2023.



    1. Hi. This will soon be the offical page for the eagle cam but for the next few weeks we are still over at the old page.
      Be sure you are set to Newest Comments First.

    1. Hi Leslie,
      So great that this worked for you! I just found a fix to the ‘reply to threads’ not working, and it looks like it worked too–hooray!

        1. Sort of a problem that may go away when you have integrated this with the main website. Going to one of the other pages works but clicking on “Home” takes one back to the current ECBA website from which, at least for now, one can’t get back to this “prelim” webpage.