Baker Sewer Ponds
From the west side of Baker City, go to 10th Street and travel north out of town. 10th becomes the La Grande-Baker Hwy or Hwy 30 as it leaves Baker City. Hughes Lane marks the northern edge of Baker City. From the intersection of Hughes and Hwy 30, go .7 miles to Imnaha Road and take a right. Go 0.5 miles and you will see the ponds on your right. If you want better access to these ponds, fill out an access application (Bird Observation Request WWTP-City of Baker City (3) and email it to City Hall ( at least 2 days ahead of your visit. If you lack the software to make the pdf above editable, use the MS Word version (Bird Observation Request WWTP-City of Baker City (3)) instead and attach it to the email. If you find yourself in Baker City and you haven’t made arrangements, you can call City Hall (541-523-6541).
Habitat and Birds
This, like most of the small ponds around Baker City, can produce just about any form of waterfowl, shorebird, or wader one might expect to find in Baker County. Snow Goose, Canada Goose, Trumpeter Swan, Tundra Swan, Eurasian Wigeon, a dozen other duck species, grebes, Great Egret, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Spotted Sandpiper, Western Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Several species of gull, and a few others might be found here. Winter visitors have included Red-necked Phalaropes.