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Hammond Boat Basin

Clatsop County | Astoria Area

Thayer’s and Glaucous Gulls can be found with the more common California, Ring-billed, Westerns, Glaucous-winged and Heermann’s. Purple Martins nest in the area. During the fall anchovy run, Sooty Shearwaters, Brown Pelicans, and Cormo...

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Hampton Station

Deschutes County | East Of Bend

Agricultural lands. This is a prime area for wintering raptors such as Prairie Falcons, Red-tailed and Rough-legged Hawks. In summer search for Swainson’s and Ferruginous Hawks. If you happen to be in this area during the fall or spring migratio...

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Hancock Field Station

Wheeler County | North County

The station is nestled in sage covered hills with a few junipers around. Brewer’s Sparrow and Lark Sparrow nest in summer along with a few Gray Flycatchers. Chukars can be heard calling from the hillsides and Golden Eagles sometimes soar ove...

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Curry County | South County

There have been some unusual species that have shown up in this region. Red-shouldered Hawk, Elegant Tern, Costa’s Hummingbird, Pine Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Clay-colored Sparrow (twice), Dickcissel, and Orchard Oriole have all been catalogu...

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Harbor View Park

Multnomah County | North Portland Area

Note that there has been construction on an adjacent area that may affect this hotspot in the future.  There is a large open field with a fence around it but one can walk around it.  In spring, Western Bluebird, Mountain Bluebird (rare), SayR...

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Harris Beach State Park

Curry County | South County

Some very rare birds have been found here over the years, including Bar-tailed Godwit, Least Tern, Tropical Kingbird, White Wagtail, Cape May Warbler, and Prairie Warbler. More common species might include Surfbird, Dunlin, Surf Scoter, Red-throat...

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Harris County Park

Umatilla County | Weston Area

Park, pines, mixed conifer, rocky hillsides, and riparian strip. Ruffed Grouse, California Quail, Vaux’s Swift, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Northern Flicker, Western Wood-Pewee, Hammond’s and Western Flycatcher, Cassin’s a...

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Hat Point

Wallowa County | Imnaha Area

The mountain birding is wonderful all along FR 4240. You could easily spend a whole morning birding your way to Hat Point. If you don’t see a single bird, the view will make the trip worthwhile. High altitude forests support high altitude bi...

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Hat Rock State Park

Umatilla County | Hermiston Area

Birds that have been seen here before include Blue-winged Teal, Redhead, Hooded Merganser, many other duck species, grebes (Eared, Red-necked, Horned, Western, Clark’s, & Pied-billed), White Pelican, Black-crowned Night- Heron, Virginia ...

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Haystack Reservoir

Jefferson County | Culver Area

Open water, willows and surrounding Juniper forest. This is a local hotspot for shorebirds, ducks and grebes. There are two good migrant songbird areas: to the south end of the western car park, and at the south end of the reservoir. Shorebirds of...

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Hellgate Canyon

Josephine County | Rogue River Area

Steep, rocky cliffs border the Rogue River along this route. River sand flats and calm pools can harbor water birds. Mixed conifers and hardwoods are joined by oak savannah and oak woodlands along the way. Some birds you might see along this route...

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Hemlock Lake

Douglas County | Cascade Mountains Area

Mid-elevation small lake with old growth forest(Shasta Red Fir, Douglas Fir, White Fir are predominant), elevations from 600 to 4600 feet are covered on the road; clearcuts, and natural meadows nearby; 1-mi loop trail around lake; shrubby habitat ...

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Morrow County | Heppner/ione Area

Small towns in Morrow County provide migrants with sought after resting places. Check the Fuller Canyon Road Pond which is off of Fuller Canyon Road on the very NW end of town. Fall, winter, and spring provide opportunities to find rare birds in t...

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High Valley Road

Union County | Cove Area

Open scrub, riparian areas, and farmland. This road can be productive in spring and summer for raptors, waders, migrants, both Eastern & Western Kingbirds, and Bobolinks. Snow Bunting is sometimes seen here in winter.

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Hilgard Junction State Park

Union County | Lagrande Area

A few birds that have been seen at this location in the past include California Quail, Spotted Sandpiper, Rufous Hummingbird, Belted Kingfisher, Red-naped Sapsucker, Downy Woodpecker, Warbling Vireo, Steller’s Jay, Northern Rough-winged Swal...

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Hills Creek Wetland

Lane County | Highway 58 Area

This site is a small pond with marsh habitat around it, next to the Middle Fork of the Willamette River, just below Hills Creek dam.  Walking the road into the pond is through conifer forest with some hardwoods mixed in.  This road is a good pla...

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Hood River Waterfront

Hood River County | Columbia River

Migrants, shorebirds, and Larids are the big draw here.  Also, big rafts of waterfowl in the river can yield some gems.  Peeps of every kind turn up here as do Ring-billed Gulls, California Gulls, Caspian Tens, DC Cormorants and White Pelicans.Â...

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Hosmer Lake

Deschutes County | South Of Bend

Cattails and open lake with surrounding high elevation forest. Barrow’s Goldeneye nest here. Sooty and Ruffed Grouse have been located in the area. Osprey and Bald Eagles hunt the lake. The cattails hold rails and American Bittern in the sum...

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Hot Lake

Union County | Lagrande Area

These lakes are the remnants of a much larger lake system that used to exist in the Grande Ronde valley. Waterfowl move between the Hot Lakes and Ladd Marsh. Ducks, geese, shorebirds, and waders all gather here in good numbers.

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Hotchkiss Lane

Harney County | Burns Area

In spring, there are flooded fields and small pools along this road. Western Meadowlarks sing along the route and Yellow-headed Blackbirds adorn the fence posts. Mixed flocks of ducks, geese, gulls, and waders blanket the flooded fields.


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Houston Lakes

Crook County | West Of Prineville

In summer this is a great place to see Yellow-headed Blackbird, Marsh Wren, American Bitterns (maybe the only place in Central Oregon that hosts this species annually), Wilson’s Snipe, Virginia Rails, and Sora. Fall migrant waterfowl are abu...

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Howard Prairie

Jackson County | Ashland Area

Mixed conifer forest surrounds wet meadows and open water. Common birds that might be expected include Western, Eared, and Pied-billed Grebes, American White Pelican, Green-winged Teal, Common Merganser, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Sharpy & CooperR...

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Hunter Creek

Curry County | Central County

Gulls, terns, and shorebirds can be found here. Offshore rocks might harbor resting cormorants or gulls. Search the waters around these rocks for Harlequin Ducks. Strange things have turned up here, including Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Orchard Ori...

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Hurricane Creek

Wallowa County | Enterprise/joseph Area

Watch for Bobolinks in summer in the first couple miles south of Enterprise. Olive-sided Flycatcher, Dusky Flycatcher, Cassin’s Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Clark’s Nutcracker, three chickadee species, Brown Creeper, Mountain Bluebird, Varie...

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Hwy 206 Condon Hwy

Morrow County | South County

The main attraction here is the somewhat extensive big sage habitat along parts of this road. This type of habitat is unusual in the county and provides the opportunity for species like Sagebrush Sparrow, Brewer’s Sparrow, Gray Flycatcher, a...

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