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China Creek

Coos County | Bandon Area


The pond and the cattail marsh have some common dabbler ducks, Hooded Mergansers, Pied-billed Grebe, rails, passerines, and swallows. Around the parking lot, look for sparrows, passerines and raptors. Before China Creek empties into ...

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Clark Park

Clackamas County | Molalla Area

Clark Park is a small city park located next to the Molalla Rodeo Arena. It consists of a remaining stand of oak, with a open field to the north. The park is known is the most reliable location in the county to find nesting Acorn Woodpeckers, obse...

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Wasco County | South County

Riparian habitats along the John Day River. This is a main thoroughfare for migrating passerines and can be very productive during migration (especially fall migration). Chukar and Ring-necked Pheasant can be seen and heard in the surrounding farm...

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Clarno Road

Wheeler County | North County

The road runs along the John Day River and habitat includes riparian areas, sagebrush and canyons. A variety of sparrows have been seen here, as well as some waterfowl. Osprey, Golden and Bald Eagle have been sighted.

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Clatskanie Mountain

Columbia County | Vernonia Area

One of the highest points along the Columbia loop, around 1200 feet. Possible closures due to snow Nov thru March. Possibilities include Gray Jay, Ruffed and Sooty Grouse, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Varied Thrush, Red Crossbill. Ravens plentiful. ...

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Clear Lake

Wasco County | Tygh Valley/cascades

Typical Cascade Mountain species are found here. Red Crossbill, Western Tanager, Cassin’s Vireo, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Red-breasted and White-breasted Nuthatches, Hermit Warbler, and Olive-sided Flycatcher should be present. Common Gold...

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Clear Lake

Linn County | Hwy 22 Cascade Area

This is a mixed conifer forest surrounding a mountain lake. Species that might be seen here include Common Loon, Pacific Loon (rare), Pied-billed Grebe, Western Grebe, Double-crested Cormorant, Great Blue Heron, ducks, Bald Eagle, Northern Goshawk...

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Clearwater Park

Lane County | Eugene Area

This park is located along the Willamette River with riparian habitats that provided breeding habitat for Red-eyed Vireo in the past – none have been reported since about 2020.  There is a bike path that goes in a large loop, along the rive...

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Clemens County Park

Benton County | South County

The North Fork Trail, which leaves from the parking lot, is a 0.25 mi self-guided interpretive trail that describes the unique ecology of the Coast Range temperate rainforest. Watch for Hooded and Common Merganser, Wood Duck, American Dipper, Belt...

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Cline Falls State Park

Deschutes County | Redmond Area

The Deschutes River flows through an accessible riparian area surrounded by juniper woodland. This is another area that is good for migrants. Look for Osprey, Violet-green Swallow, Tree Swallow, N. Rough-winged Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Black-headed...

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Clyde Holliday State Park

Grant County | John Day Area

Walk through the campground, especially during the winter where some feeding happens near the wood shed. There is a nature trail along the river through riparian habitat. In addition to waterfowl, warblers, kinglets, buntings and sparrows, keep an...

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Coast Range NF 41

Douglas County | Coastal Sites

Mixed aged conifer mostly Douglas fir, Western Hemlock and Western red cedar

Pileated, hairy woodpeckers; several flycatchers, wood warblers, owls: n.pygmy, n.saw-whet, barred, 4 thrush species, grouse, mountain quail, western tanager

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Coffenbury Lake

Clatsop County | Astoria Area

Coffenbury Lake is located on the southern edge of Fort Stevens State Park (see directions above). Though close to the ocean, this is a freshwater lake. Spring and fall are the best times to visit as migrants can be found in the thick woods and ma...

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Cold Springs Campground

Deschutes County | Sisters Area

Ponderosa forest and riparian habitat. The springs attract a variety of birds. Williamson’s and Red-naped Sapsucker abound. White-headed Woodpecker nest in the campground, while Cassin’s Finch, Red Crossbill, Northern Pygmy-Owls, Tree ...

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Columbia Gorge Hotel

Hood River County | Columbia River

All of the distances once leaving the freeway are short – just 0.1 or 0.2 mi. Birders may park in the hotel’s parking lot for birding, but please be considerate and do not use parking spaces near the hotel’s entrance. You may want to try the...

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Gilliam County | Condon Area

Not terribly birdy but the few tall trees are the only ones for miles. This town is mostly under-birded so surprises may be right around the corner. In the winter both Merlin and Peregrine Falcon can sometimes be found hanging around town, presuma...

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Condon Sewage Ponds

Gilliam County | Condon Area

These ponds are excellent for ducks, moderate for shorebirds; open to birders. There are three ponds here surrounded on three sides by fields. Two smaller ones that are always full of water and a large one that draws down over the summer, creating...

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Coombs Canyon Road

Umatilla County | Pendleton Area

Dry grasslands and dryland wheat croplands and minimal sagebrush. The habitat between mile 1 and 4.5 is good for grassland birds from Apr. to Sep. Some years, Grasshopper Sparrows breed along the road. Reinhart Road, which intersects Coombs Canyon...

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Cooper Creek Reservoir

Douglas County | Sutherlin Area

Cooper Creek Reservoir- Habitat: Open water, mixed conifer/hardwood forest, and marsh.

Birds: Green-winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, both wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, Wood Duck, Bufflehead, Northern Pintail, Wilson’s Snipe Steller’s Jay, We...

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Coos Bay

Coos County | Coos Bay Area

A small number of Willits winter in the bay here,  and scope the exposed mudflats for shorebirds and deeper channels for water birds. At Mingus Park check the domestic waterfowl for wild birds such as scaup and wigeon. Gulls are tame here and off...

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Coos County | Bandon Area

There is a walk way along the river here, with nice diversity of river ducks,  wrens and flycatchers, with the occasional Green Heron.  Wooded areas around the town attract Tanager, raptors, and woodpeckers.  Around town you will find Cooper...

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Coquille Point

Coos County | Bandon Area

Access the beach and check out the rocks for Harlequin Duck, Rock Sandpiper, Black Oystercatcher and  nesting Common Murre and Pelagic Cormorants.  Listen and look for Black Turnstone (winter).  Watch for migrating shorebirds in Spring and Fall...

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Coquille River Valley

Coos County | Bandon Area

This driving route follows the Coquille River, traversing flooded pastures and small wetlands dense with alder and willow. Use pullouts along the road to scan the river and surrounding flooded pastures for thousands of wintering waterfowl includin...

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Coquille River/South Jetty

Coos County | Bandon Area

Between the Jetties, watch for Surf, Black and White-winged Scoter, Common and Pacific Loon, Pelagic, Brandt’s, and Double-crested Cormorant, Brown Pelican, and Harlequin Duck.  During migration walk east from the parking lot at low tide and sc...

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Cottonwood Canyon State Park

Sherman County | Moro Area

Look for White-throated Swifts and Cliff Swallows on the big cliff north of the campground. Listen for Chukar, especially early in the morning and late in the evening. Gray Partridge is possible here too. A collection of low brush and tall cottonw...

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Cottonwood Creek Road

Wheeler County | North County

This road has a mix of junipers and pines. Look for dry pine species like Dusky Flycatcher, Black-throated Gray Warbler, Gray Flycatcher, Pygmy Nuthatch, Calliope Hummingbird, Flammulated Owl, Northern Pygmy-owl and Common Poorwill. In the riparia...

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