Golden Eagle Nest Camera on Whychus Creek

Wednesday December 14, 2022

Stormy fledged Wednesday, June 29, 2022, at about 5:48 am.

There are other videos of Stormy available on the same youtube page (Family Interaction, Stormy Almost Drops a Squirrel, etc.) Here are some comments from a birder who lives near the nest:

“25 days after fledging: For the last several days I’ve been hearing, then seeing, Stormy in the bottom half of the canyon (for some reason she likes our part of the canyon) with her unique chirping call. However, today – I saw her circling the TOP of the canyon, just out from our house.

Watched her carefully to make sure it was her (she’s very black-and-white still, very dramatic markings!) – she went even higher, above the canyon and above our house, heading West towards the nest, then circling back over our roof and to the East. She’s looking beautiful – and don’t blame her for staying at the bottom of the canyon (a lot of birds are right now with hot weather, enjoying Whychus Creek). She was really beautiful.

A month after fledging: Well, happy to report Stormy is still very much in the canyon and active (and noisy!). She greets us every morning with her cheerful chirps at sunrise, and chirping and soaring on and off all day. In the afternoons, many times a parent (probably Petra, right Marcia?) visits, then they both soar and Stormy is calling loudly – probably begging for food. They soar high, and Stormy follows Petra heading N/NW, but is back in the evening chirping again. She’s still pretty black-and-white but has a HUGE wingspan.”

If you would like to help support the costs of this project, click here and choose to donate to the Eagle Camera. And for more information about this ECBA conservation project, click here.

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